ASA 2021 PYPx

Exploring the topics we care about to make the world a better place


Welcome to ASA 2021’s PYPx!!! The PYPx stands for: Primary Years Program Exhibition, and at an IB school (like ASA) , at the end of the PYP, grade 5 students are required to do an exhibition about a chosen topic, and spend around 6 weeks researching it. All the grade 5 students have to do it to see if they can go to the MYP (Middle Years Program). This year, each group has found different topics to research about. Each topic is different but we all are excited about our topics! - Maële

What Should I Do:

  1. Look through the topics below

  2. Click on the photo to learn more about the topic

  3. Explore the resources and learning journeys

  4. Add feedback on the Feedback Page!

  5. Happy inquiring :)

Feminist support equality for all genders.

We chose this topic, because we know it is a huge problem in the world and we want to stop it! And we know it hurts people. We enjoy learning about gender roles, because we can help make our world a better place to live in!

Click the photo to access our site.

Designer’s upcycle old clothes into new sustainable clothing for people in need

We chose this topic because we wanted to explore fashion more, and helping our community. Also we wanted to create new sustainable clothing ideas. We want to give clothes to homeless

Click the photo to access our site.

Cryptocurrency can be used to invest and growth wealth

I have chose this topic cryptocurrency and investing because when I went to my computer and it was everywhere, so then I was curious.

Click the photo to access our site.

Animators share and inspire other people to become animators

We choose this topic because we were inspired by other animators and want to become them

Click the photo to access our site.

Scientists learn about mosquitos and help to prevent diseases.

I chose mosquitoes because it is a very popular insect and causes a lot of diseases and kills thousands of people.

Click the photo to access our site.

Volunteers help and respond homeless people’s needs.

I chose my topic because since my childhood my parents were used to bring me at the Orphelina’s Place.

Also I want to help them because my parents do that and I want to do that too, especially the kids who are the same age as me.

Click the photo to access our site.