Welcome To My Page

My topic is investing into cryptocurrency. I chose this topic because 1 year ago I saw it on the internet and it was so curious so this was the best time to learn more about them.

Fun Facts

I used to think that the only way to get bitcoin was mining or it was free but no. Now I know that you can buy or mine it, but most people just buy it.

I used to think that the prices changed randomly but now I know it changes by supply and demand and media.

Me working on my paragraphs

This is when I was doing my paragraphs

My lines of inquiry:

  • what is/how to buy and sell cryptocurrency

  • what causes prices to change

  • persuading and informing people how to invest with crypto

Me doing chores and investing the money won and giving it to team trees

I choose to do chores and give it my money to charity to make the world a better. I chose the charity Team Trees. If you give 1 dollar its one tree.

Me working with my mentor

Mr Dan my mentor was teaching me how to use Tradingview to predict prices. A big thanks to Mr. Dan.

Here is my PYPX Planner. here you can look at all of the thing I have done with my project

Sacha PYPx Planner

Want to learn more about Crypto Investing? Check out my research paper:

reserch paper

Want to test your knowledge with Bitcoin?