
Mission statements

The mission of the ASA LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Diversity working group is to support the professional and personal development of LGBTQ+ data scientists and statisticians and to contribute to efforts to ensure our community is just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive. A copy of our operating plan can be found here.


  • Identify resources for leadership development

  • Support awards and scholarships for LGBTQ+ members

  • Support collaborative research

  • Offer ally training


The goal of our working group is to support the growth of LGBTQ+ inclusion in the fields of Statistics and Data Science and contribute to the education of allied professionals and students to support our collaborative professional community. Our working group is comprised of the 3 subgroups listed below.

  1. Fostering supportive and inclusive environments committee

  2. Creating opportunities for success and leadership committee

  3. Increasing representation committee

Interested in our current projects? Sign up here!

Membership in this working group is entirely voluntary and is open to any statistician or data scientist who is interested (not exclusively ASA members).

Contact Us

For more information, you can contact Suzanne Thornton (she/her) (sthornt1<at>swarthmore<dot>edu) and Donna LaLonde (she/her) (DonnaL<at>amstat<dot>org).

  • ASA LGBTQ Advocacy Committee

    • President: Jack Miller (they/them)

    • More information on this committee

That 8-stripe pride histogram!

Yes it took us a little bit of time to create this histogram as a logo! Here's the R script to recreate it yourself ;)