AYLI: Servants

European Servants 1600’s to 1900’s

By: Jaryse Sessions

During the times of As You Like It, a common thing to see in European households of the country's wealthy and prestigious figures was servants. As the country of Europe was on the verge of being one of the world's wealthiest countries the number of servants employed by Europe’s elite increased at a staggering and rapid rate. From the 1600’s to the 1900’s servants were paid workers who lived within the home of their employer. Oftentimes, they were employed for longer terms, usually many months to a years at a time rather than by the day or task. Although people of various ages could be seen in these positions, most families employed younger servants as they wanted a long term employer working for them. The jobs of the servants varied from: gardening, cooking, the most popular job amongst servants at the time was child care.

In As You Like It, Sir Roland’s family had employed the servant Adam for as long as the family had been around. Adam’s role as Orlando’s servant and caretaker made him and Orlando closer than most servants and masters typically were. Adam has a genuine heartfelt relationship with Orlando. Orlando often confides in Adam and expresses his own feelings and emotions. Throughout the play, Adam serves as a friend and mentor to Orlando during his struggles and hardships. His loyalty and in-depth relationship set him apart from most servants working at the time in Europe. Adam especially helps Orlando in his times of need following his father's death.

Throughout the play I feel it is apparent that Adam had a deep and intimate bond with Orlando as he’d worked with the family for so long. He was always Orlando’s go to person for telling him about all the drama in his life, especially revolving around his brother Oliver.