Article 5 - ASYNC Administrative Regulations
Admin Abuse 5.1
Any employees provided with Admin must only use it when handing out an Administrative Punishment, such as a ban.
There are only a few exceptions:
- When teleporting people to the START of an event that begins in a department's spawn (SSUs and expeditions are excluded here);
- When using it to fulfill duties that you could not have done otherwise;
- When you are an Entity Actor and you need to fly, go invisible, etc.
Harsh Infraction
Corruption 5.2
Employees in a position of power within a department (or perhaps the ASYNC as a whole) must not show any signs of being corrupt in any way. This includes nepotism, taking bribes, etc.
Harsh Infraction
Abuse Of Authority 5.3
ASYNC Employees in a position of power must not abuse their authority. This includes giving unreasonable orders, demoting employees for no reason, etc.
Harsh Infraction
Failure To Uphold Department Standards 5.4
Authoritative figures within a department must uphold their department's standards. This includes activity, maturity, etc.
Harsh Infraction
Incorrectly Ranking personnel 5.5
When promoting or demoting a departmental employee, they must be given the correct corresponding rank within the ASYNC group.
(Punishment is a Minor Infraction if it was accidental).
Medium Infraction otherwise