Hello! I am a soon-to-graduate PhD student, researching arithmetic geometry at KU Leuven under the supervision of Johannes Nicaise, as part of a PhD funded by FWO fellowship 11F0121N and research project G0B1721N.  At the moment, I am looking for a postdoc position while finishing up my thesis. Here is my cv and research statement.

Research interests: wild ramification, nonarchimedean geometry, arithmetic curves.

I am particularly interested in studying arithmetic invariants attached to degenerations of algebraic varieties, like conductors and differents, using methods from algebraic, logarithmic and nonarchimedean geometry. 

I also like to engage in mathematical outreach, currently I contribute to projects like KU Leuven's summer of science and VWO

feel free to reach out: e-mail: art (dot) waeterschoot (at) kuleuven (dot) be 


see research page for abstracts of some ongoing projects.

slides and posters

various other writings can be found here:  material for study groups (co-)organised