Take Action

Now that you know what’s happening, it’s time to do something about it. Help Armenians by pressuring the U.S. Government to take action on our behalf, donating to direct relief funds, shopping smart, and sharing what you’ve learned!

PETITIONS *Petitions that require additional email confirmation are marked.*

  • Call on Congress to 1) condemn Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression, 2) cut off U.S. military aid to these two dictatorships

  • Canada to Take Action Supporting Peaceful Population in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh)

    • http://chng.it/6pfqbdkzjs

  • Get Aid to Armenia and Artsakh as Azerbaijan breaches our borders

PRE-FILLED EMAILS *change subject lines, this helps them not get marked as spam.*



  • These donation sites have been verified and are trustworthy.

  • @kooyrigs does amazing work, and they’re using your donations to deliver medicine, food, water, clothing, and other supplies in Armenia (also on Venmo):

  • @artsakh.relocation.project allows you to sponsor a displaced Artsakhtsi family:

  • @eyesonartsakh assists families of fallen soldiers and displaced Artsakhtsis:

    • Venmo: @eyesonartsakh

  • @miaseen rebuilds and supports Armenian lands and families:

  • @c.garibian has curated a list of people.companies matching donations, so check out the website below to see how you can do the most good!

  • Skip that $5 cup of coffee in the morning and instead donate the money to ArmeniaFund.org, DM a screenshot of your donation to @coffeeforartsakh, and challenge 5 friends/family to do the same!

  • Do some good with AMAZON SMILE! You can go to your Amazon settings and select "Armenia Fund" as your charity of choice!

Photo credit: Armenia Fund, Kooyrigs


  • Azerbaijan has blocked all forms of social media in the country except Twitter. If you have an account, tweet (accurate!) information out with the following hashtags:


    • #SanctionTurkey

    • #StopAliyev

    • #StopErdogan

    • #StopAzeriAgression

    • #PeaceForArmenians

    • #ArtsakhStrong

    • #DefendArtsakh

    • #DefendArmenia

    • #DefundAzerbaijan

Photo Credit: @dzaynarmenia


  • Here are some great accounts to follow to get more information and stay updated on Armenian issues!

    • @thearmenianreport

    • @thearmosphere

    • @armenianassembly

    • @armenian_national_committee

    • @asa.united

    • @amplifyarmenia

    • @kooyrigs

    • @carenerose

    • @Elmoyan15 (Twitter and Tik Tok) and @relmoyan (IG)

    • And us! @artsakhresources (IG) and @artsakhresource (Twitter)


  • Check the labels of your purchases, and avoid Turkish-made products. That money is getting redirected to our erasure. When possible, buy Armenian! Here’s a handy list of Armenian-owned businesses (which you can also register yourself as if your business is Armenian-owned) by @armenianbusinessguide.

  • You can also check if the places you shop at carry Turkish products at @turkishproductfree, where they’ll show you places to avoid and Armenian places to try instead!

  • DID YOU KNOW? Many Armenian-owned businesses are donating their proceeds to Artsakh aid! Click on the "Business Donations" button below to find a list of participating businesses (and their amazing products)!

Photo credit: @armenianbusinessguide, @turkishproductfree


  • A few web resources come from https://helparmenians.carrd.co, which is a great resource for not just this issue, but others in Armenia (humanitarian crises, Genocide information, domestic violence/women, children’s aid, and COVID responses). It also has petitions and donation links for those issues!

Photo Credit: https://helparmenians.carrd.co


  • Spread the knowledge! Share this page (artsakhresources.com) with your friends, family, and followers, check us out on social media, and speak out about this matter on social media/with others!

Allies and Armenians, let’s get to work!