Research projects

Extracting workplace personalities with Online and Physical Data(KIXLab, current) : We extract workplace personality holistically by using users online and offline behavior data. We argue that social behavior extracted at workplace(online and offline), are related to extraversion. more..

Supporting learning and collaboration in online discussion(KIXLab, current) : Online discussions on various platforms such as new article comment section, on social media(e.g. facebook, twitter, reddit) are often very fragmented. We aim to build a platform which is designed to help users to learn and collaborate to generate richly labeled and well structured arguments while discussing online. more..

Crowdsourcing techniques to find Contextual Emotion Labels in videos(KIXLab) : Dialog videos contain rich contextual, emotional, and intentional cues of the characters and their surroundings. In this project we aim to find a crowdsourcing technique to leverage these rich emotion labels. more..

Emotion Analysis through Context Understanding: We developed a "scenario based" approach that focuses on created such situation with dominant emotion, using a set of context information from sensor data. Verification of each scenario is done when application detect the scenario and asks user to tag his/her current prevailing emotion.