Jacksonville University
MFA Choreography
D igging deep within one's soul, searching for meaning through movement. What will the
D igging deep within one's soul, searching for meaning through movement. What will the
A esthetics reveal? Will the audience understand the story behind this expression or
A esthetics reveal? Will the audience understand the story behind this expression or
N eglect to see the signs between the lines of my poetry in motion? It is left for the viewer to
N eglect to see the signs between the lines of my poetry in motion? It is left for the viewer to
C ircumscribe in their mind, as strands of yarn become the impetus to propel movement
C ircumscribe in their mind, as strands of yarn become the impetus to propel movement
E volving practice, allows me to realize how threads of my past have lead to this form of reflection
E volving practice, allows me to realize how threads of my past have lead to this form of reflection
Dance is a way of studying ourselves. It is something we do to craft form and shape in the material world while composing movement in space. As a dance teacher, creating choreography to be performed on stage, I have always prepared my work with the intention of an audience to view it from the seats of a theater. The dances have always been crafted to music for entertainment purposes. I typically focus my dancers emoting and telling a story through their movement, but what if there was no story to tell or music to carry the dance?
Dance is a way of studying ourselves. It is something we do to craft form and shape in the material world while composing movement in space. As a dance teacher, creating choreography to be performed on stage, I have always prepared my work with the intention of an audience to view it from the seats of a theater. The dances have always been crafted to music for entertainment purposes. I typically focus my dancers emoting and telling a story through their movement, but what if there was no story to tell or music to carry the dance?
As an MFA in Choreography Candidate at Jacksonville University, I have been inspired to think objectively and experiment new methods in order to create unintentional actions to express the body through movement. Creating new possibilities for movement within my body and practice has become the ambition of my work as a graduate student. In seeking new movement possibilities I began to work with materials to catapult the body into action.
November 2018As an MFA in Choreography Candidate at Jacksonville University, I have been inspired to think objectively and experiment new methods in order to create unintentional actions to express the body through movement. Creating new possibilities for movement within my body and practice has become the ambition of my work as a graduate student. In seeking new movement possibilities I began to work with materials to catapult the body into action.
Click on the links in the upper corner to review framework, activities, tasks and practical performances in order to follow the practice as it evolves.
Click on the links in the upper corner to review framework, activities, tasks and practical performances in order to follow the practice as it evolves.