
Efficient Risk Sharing and Separation, with Sarolta Laczó.  Journal of Economic Theory,  219(2024), July 2024.

Capital Tax Reforms With Policy Uncertainty with Pavel Brendler and Eva Carceles-Poveda. International Economic Review,  65(1), February 2024. 

Tax Wedges, Financial Frictions and Misallocation, with Piero Gottardi, Joachim Hubmer and  Lukas Mayr. Journal of Public  Economics, Volume 227, November 2023.

On the Design of a European Unemployment Insurance System, with Joao Brogueira de Sousa, Ramon Marimon and Lukas Mayr.                     

European Economic Review, Volume 156, July 2023.  

Economics PhD Programs in Europe: Completion Times and More,  with Vinzenz Ziesemer and Benedikt Dengler.

 Journal of Economic Education, Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022. 

Agreeing to an Unemployment Insurance system for the Euro area?  with Joao Brogueira de Sousa, Ramon Marimon and Lukas Mayr.

Ramon Marimon and Thomas Cooley (eds.): The EMU after the Euro Crisis: Lessons and Possibilities. CEPR Press.

Efficient Risk Sharing with Limited Commitment and Storage  with Sarolta Laczó.

Review of Economic Studies 85(3), 2pp. 1389-1424, 2017. 

Optimal Income Taxation when Asset Taxation is Limited, with Nicola Pavoni and Sebastiam Koehne.

Journal of Public Economics, 136:14-29, 2016.

On the First Order Approach in Principal-Agent Models with Hidden Borrowing and Lending, with Nicola Pavoni and Sebastiam Koehne.

Journal of Economic Theory, 2011.

Endogenous Trading Constraints in Incomplete Asset Markets, with Eva Carceles-Poveda.

Journal of Economic Theory, 2010, 145: 974-1004. 

Efficient Allocations with Moral Hazard and Hidden Borrowing and Lending: A recursive Formulationwith Nicola Pavoni.

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2008, 11: 781-803.

Comment on Altruism, Incomplete Markets, and Tax Reform  by Fuster, Imrohoroglu and Imrohoroglu.

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55(1): 91:97.

Earnings Inequality and Skill-biased Technological change with Endogenous Choice of Education.

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008, 6(2-3):695-704.

Endogenous Incomplete Markets, Enforcement Constraints and Intermediation, with Eva Carceles-Poveda.

Theoretical Economics, 2006, pp. 439-459. 

The Efficient Allocation of Consumption under Moral Hazard and Hidden Access to the Credit Market, with Nicola Pavoni.

Journal of the European Economic Association, April-May 3(2-3): 370-381.

Unemployment Differentials in Hungary: The Role of Race and Human Capital, with Gábor Kertesi.

Halpern and Wyplosz (eds.): Hungary: Towards a Market Economy, 1998, Cambridge University Press.

Income Structure and Distribution of the Tax Burden, with István János Tóth.

Acta Oeconomica, pp. 271-295.