Our Support

We collaborate with the Somerville Housing Authority, Mystic Learning Center, local social service organizations, and community-oriented artists to make all of our activities inviting and accessible to all. We especially strive to connect with low-income citizens, children, seniors, recent immigrants, and people with disabilities. We invite all who feel inspired by our music, art, and community-building activities to be partners with us.

We are now a non-profit organization! That means all donations are tax-deductible and can be made directly to Around Hear. 

Donations by check may be made out to "Around Hear" and sent to 8 Evergreen Ave. #1 Somerville, MA 02145.

Questions? Contact us.


We always welcome assistance at our concerts and classes, and expert help with fundraising, publicity, event planning, and more. Contact us if you have a skill you’d like to share, or questions about volunteering.


Marji Gere, president

Dan Sedgwick, treasurer

Florence Bergmann, clerk

Tracey Stearns, director and E.D. of the Mystic Learning Center

Marie Fede, director, student, parent & volunteer

Tamara Plummer, director, musician & poet


Around Hear community events and educational programs have been supported by: the Foley Hoag Foundation (2020), the Somerville Arts Council (2017-2023);  Massachusetts Cultural Council (2023); The Boston Foundation (2018); Emerging Artist’s Award from The St. Botolph Club Foundation, Boston (2017); The Somerville Housing Authority, Tufts Neighborhood Service Fund; volunteer efforts; and a growing community of generous individual donors. Thank you to all who support this project, and welcome to new supporters!