Arm in Arm


In 2016, a group of inspired Harvard residents came together with the intention of spreading messages of diversity, inclusion, and cultural education. We live in a world where individuals of different backgrounds live just down the street - where a myriad of traditions permeate our everyday experience. Arm in Arm knows that each one of these cultural variations can converge to produce a society of vibrancy, beauty, and togetherness. It is in our dissimilarity that we find unity. Years later, Arm in Arm is still going strong. We've hosted numerous educational events, community discussions, and cultural forums. With our dedication to cultural education and your willingness to learn alongside us, we can spread love and navigate this life arm-in-arm. 

Arm in Arm was organized in 2016 to promote and to uphold a safe, inclusive climate that values diversity and fosters respect.

We have been reflecting on and encourage you - our neighbors, families, and friends - to reflect on the injustices and inequities that have been thrown into greater relief following the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others too numerous to name, and by COVID-19, which is disproportionately affecting Black people. We support the many protests against racism and inequality, and we will continue to focus our work on education, promoting honest and open discussion, raising awareness, and advocating for inclusion, equity and justice. We will endeavor to keep listening, learning, and taking action.

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In the News... 

Most of the information about Arm in Arm's events is published in The Harvard Press. Make sure to stay updated by subscribing to the Harvard Press Website