About Us

About Us

This all started in 2016, when an unidentified group of individuals chose to deface the Bromfield School Senior Rock with racist sayings and symbols. Infuriated and hurt by this hateful action, members of the Harvard community decided that thoughts and prayers were just not enough to address this deep-rooted ignorance. In an effort to move forward and make change, Arm in Arm hit the ground running with educational religious panels and community discussions. Today, the race to acceptance and love is far from over, but our undeniable progress since 2016 continues to fuel us towards the finish line. 

Harvard is a town where every citizen is treated with equity, dignity, and respect; one that embraces the diversity that enriches the community and the values that define it.

Arm in Arm’s mission is to promote and uphold a safe, inclusive social climate that values diversity and fosters respect for one another.

We advance our mission through events that contribute to an understanding of, and appreciation for, all our residents and visitors. We confront and oppose expressions of hatred, intolerance and discrimination, and work to unify the community against division. We work in collaboration with the larger community by building a community-wide network of responses to prejudice and discrimination.