
Tentative Schedule

Location: TIL 257, Tuesdays and Fridays 11:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.

  1. 09/03: Introduction and motivating examples. Ariel's slides. Dave's slides.

  2. 09/07: Game Theory: Definition of a Game. Examples. Dominant Strategies, Pure Nash Equilibria, Mixed Nash Equilibria. Notes.

  3. 09/10: Game Theory: Best Responses, Nash Equilibria via Support Enumeration. Notes.

  4. 09/14: Game Theory: The Lemke-Howson Algorithm. Zero-Sum Two-Player Games and LP formulations. Notes.

Bonus: Approximate Nash Equilibria and the Lipton-Markakis-Mehta Algorithm. Discussion about Recent Results. Notes.

  1. 09/17: Game Theory: Correlated Equilibria and Linear Programs. No Regret Swap Algorithms Lead to Correlated Equilibria. Notes.

  2. 09/21: Game Theory: Selfish Routing Games and the Price of Anarchy. Notes.

  3. 09/24: Game Theory: Network Cost-Sharing Games and the Price of Stability. Notes.

  4. 09/28: Mechanism Design: Auctions, VCG. Notes.

  5. 10/01: Mechanism Design: Bayes Nash Equilibria, Revelation Principle. Notes.

  6. 10/05: Mechanism Design: Myerson's Lemma, Revenue Equivalence and Payment Identity. Notes.

  7. 10/08: Mechanism Design: Single-Dimensional Revenue Maximization, Myerson's Optimal Auction, Virtual Values. Notes.

  8. 10/12: Mechanism Design: Bulow-Klemperer Lemma, Prior-Free Mechanisms, Prophet Inequality and Posted Price Mechanisms. Notes.

  9. 10/15: Mechanism Design: Multi Dimensional Auctions, Myerson's Lemma via Duality. Notes.

  10. 10/19: Mechanism Design: Menu-Size Complexity of Auctions. Notes.

  11. 10/22: Mechanism Design: Correlated Items and Bidders: Cremer-McLean Auction, Ronen's Auction. Notes.

  12. 10/26: Class cancelled due to severe flood warnings.

  13. 10/29: Mechanism Design: Combinatorial Auctions, Walrasian Equilibria. Notes.

  14. 11/02: Mechanism Design: Gross-Substitutes Valuations and the Ascending Price Auction. Notes.

  15. 11/05: Two-sided Matching Markets. Deferred Acceptance Algorithm. Notes.

  16. 11/09: One-sided Matching Markets. Top Cycle Trading Algorithm. Notes.

  17. 11/12: Voting Rules 1: Definitions and Examples. Condorcet's Paradox and May's Theorem. Notes.

  18. 11/16: Voting Rules 2: Impossibility Results. Arrow's Theorem and Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem. Single-peaked preferences and the Median Algorithm. Notes.

  19. 11/19: Tournament Design. Based on Schneider et al. 2017 paper.

  20. 11/23: Cake Cutting and Fair Division. Notes.

(No classes on 11/26)

  1. 11/30: Bitcoin and Selfish Mining. No notes.

  2. 12/3: Scoring Rules and Prediction Markets. Dave's Notes.

  3. 12/7: Student Presentations

  4. 12/10: Student Presentations