Ariel J. Mosley, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology

University of California Davis


Dr. Mosley's Teaching Philosophy:

"My teaching philosophy combines aspects of active learning, critical thinking, and appreciation of unique and diverse social identities. It is important that my students explore how our own social groups and collective narratives influence the way we think about the complexity of the self and our social worlds. My research and teaching reflects my beliefs that science can help bring understanding and significance to the way people live and navigate their relations with others. I adamantly share with my students the importance of conducting research for solving real world social issues, and communicate the benefits of engaging in academic career. In my teaching, I am intentional about incorporating themes from my own research into the lecture, discussion, and activities, and tying those themes to current events and real-world applications to facilitate students understanding. 

In terms of teaching, it is a goal of mine to be sensitive and respectful to the different personal backgrounds, experiences, and worldviews of my students, both when creating class materials and during classes when I am interacting with students and facilitating group discussions. To overcome individual barriers, I have engaged in significant efforts to advance equitable access to education regarding the course curriculum. For example, I have created diverse study groups and learning teams to facilitate collaborative learning, providing guidelines for group interaction, and checks for group functioning through peer feedback. Such groups have been shown to reduce feelings of academic isolation and marginalization at the university. It is important for me to create a positive climate for meaningful intellectual discourse about diversity by making my classroom inspiring for underrepresented students. To do so, I like to discuss the intellectual contributions of diverse scholars in the field, providing role models from various backgrounds to communicate that everyone can be successful. Personally, I try to communicate and reflect on my own personal journey and experiences of navigating academia to build rapport, increasing community in the class, and make myself more approachable to students from similar backgrounds."

Teaching at UC Davis

Course Description: 

This course is designed to give students an overview of a social psychological approach to the study of cultural appropriation—acts in which a person associated with one group makes use of, imitates, or takes possession of the cultural elements of another group, as well as racism. 

This course will integrate social psychological theories with empirical evidence, as well as examples from popular press and digital media to help students gain understanding into cultural appropriation as a manifestation of racism. Emphasis will be placed on developing critical and integrative ways of thinking about theory and research on intergroup relations, identity, and social inequality.  

We will also examine routes to cultural appreciation, using research that questions how outgroup cultural use can facilitate positive intergroup relations in an era of increased globalization and multicultural integration.

Summary of Course Content: 

This course will examine the psychology behind how people perceive, respond to, and engage in acts of cultural appropriation, as well as the downstream implications for identity, social justice and equality. This class will provide undergraduate students with a critical understanding of how cultural appropriation can be understood as a framework for understanding social categorization, identity, and intergroup oppression through an “us versus them mentality”. Students will engage in simultaneous critical knowledge engagement and creation using a social psychological lens to uncover historical, cultural, epistemological frameworks for topics we discuss each week, which will be centered around a broad theme of cultural appropriation (e.g., exploitation, assimilation, identity, privilege, justifications of celebration).


Students will attend a bi-weekly interactive lecture, and be expected to communicate, discuss, and analyze academic literature, scientific research, media (popular press articles, YouTube videos, podcasts), and fellow class mates to understand the role of cultural appropriation in an increasingly diverse social world. Students will learn how to read and extract core points from empirical journal articles, gain experience thinking critically about acts of cultural appropriation in the media, and identify examples of how psychological research and theory relate to current social events.


The first weeks of class will introduce students to theoretical perspectives of cultural appropriation, the nuances of how can be defined, the different typologies (e.g., object, subject, motif), and the ways that it can be categorized based on the power relations of the actors involved. In these sections, we will discuss the diverse ways that cultural appropriation manifests in contemporary society, systematically investigating the aesthetic and moral issues to which cultural appropriation brings about in social discourse.


Next, we will explore topics of cultural exploitation and privilege to understand how cultural appropriation can manifest as a form of commodification, and how it can be an extension of intergroup oppression through harmful representations, stereotypes, and unconscious biases. We will also the cover topic of cultural dominance (commonly understood as “reverse appropriation”) —cases in which individuals from lower status groups take on cultural elements from the dominant/mainstream culture, and the implications this has for minoritized individuals. Students will be able to identify and understand how cultural appropriation is situated within different diversity ideologies (e.g., colorblind racism), and how these beliefs about racial sameness reinforce systematic inequalities rather than promote inclusivity.


Finally, students will gain knowledge about how outgroup cultural use can manifest as cultural appreciation, and the positive implications that it can have for the self (e.g., self-complexity, interpersonal growth) and intergroup relations (e.g., outgroup empathy, intercultural understanding). At the end of class, students should leave with the confidence to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view related to the psychological study of cultural appropriation and racism.

PRe-Doctoral Teaching 

2020 Teaching Associate, Psychology and the Law

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS


2020 Invited Lecture, Place, Race, and Space Seminar

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Title: "The New Identity Theft: Perceptions of Cultural Appropriation in Intergroup Interactions"

2020 Teaching Assistant, Social Psychology*

Professor Ludwin Molina

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

2019 Invited Lecture, Stereotyping and Prejudice

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Title: "The Effects of Cultural Appropriation on Intergroup Relations"

2019 Invited Lecture, Social Psychology

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Title: “Attitudes”

2019 Teaching Assistant, Social Psychology*

Professor Omri Gillath

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

2018 Invited Lecture, Cultural Psychology

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Title: “The Psychology of Cultural Appropriation in Intergroup Contexts”

2016 Teaching Assistant, Research Administration

University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas

2012 Teaching Assistant, Introductory Psychology

California State University Sacramento, CA.

2011 Teaching Assistant, Cognitive Psychology

California State University Sacramento, CA

2013 Tutor, Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program

California State University Sacramento, CA

2013 Tutor, Prospects Psychology Mentorship Program

California State University Sacramento, CA

2011-2013 Tutor, Services for Students with Disabilities

California State University Sacramento, CA

*Instructor of record for associated discussion courses

Student Teaching Reviews, Social Psychology Fall 2019

Fall semester 2019, I was a teaching associate for Social Psychology, in which I was instructor of record for two associated discussion sections of around 25 students each. During this time, I created and gave lectures to students on topics of social psychology. More importantly, I worked with my students to develop and execute independent research experiments. To do so, I met with students individually to formulate a research idea and hypothesis, create research materials, collect and analyze data, and write an empirical manuscript of their findings. On a scale from 1- Unsatisfactory to 6- Outstanding, my overall rating for the course by Dr. Gillath was evaluated as "6 - Outstanding." 

"It’s encouraging to have someone support their students as much as Ariel does, and feel like we have someone in our corner supporting us. This class/discussion has gotten me more excited about research and hearing her passion for it is really inspiring. Thank you for all the effort and hard work you put into the class and I appreciate all the feedback and openness you’ve had all year." 

"Her strength is the knowledge that she has on this subject. She knows her stuff and excited to teach others. You're amazing. You truly made this class better for me. Your strong attitude and knowledge has motivated me. You make me proud for once being a minority, like we sadly are in America. You make the minority group look good, and I hope that I can do the same for this world like you! Thank you for EVERYTHING

"She related to and shepherded the class." 

"I absolutely loved Ariel and the energy that she brought to the discussion section. I wish I could have her as my professor for another class. I really loved growing with her and making improvements together. She put a lot of time and energy into the discussion. PLEASE KEEP TEACHING!"

"Ariel gives amazing examples, is extremely helpful, makes the material easy to understand. She is truly one of the most amazing people that I've encountered at this school." 

"This is my 4th year, and out of all the classes I've taken at KU, Ariel has been the BEST. She is always working to be one step ahead of the game and to always try and help her students in any way she can. She really goes above and beyond. Ariel is the best!! Thanks for a great semester!!

"She genuinely cares to help students learn and succeed"

"I liked how supportive she was because I always felt like she was on my team. She explained information really well and was constantly willing to help us with any problems. You were awesome, and thanks for making this a great year!"

"Ariel makes sure that each and every student is taken care of. Knows what's going on, and feels safe. She explains everything in amazing detail and always goes out of her way to get in touch with students." 

"Strengths were answering questions, calming nerves and making us feel comfortable, explaining concepts that were confusing in class. Thank you!"

"Went out of her way to help us understand the concepts. Very good at building the student's self-confidence." 

"Kind, willing to help, making sure we understand the topics."

"I liked her encouragement of hard work for the class."

"She was very open to discussion and making class a positive environment."

"Very knowledgeable about the course material. She cares a lot that her students do well in the course, and she makes herself readily available."

"She makes class fun and is always quick to answer an and all questions we have."

"Ariel definitely made the content and information from the class more feasible. She is very understanding of her student's needs." 

"I loved Ariel's enthusiasm! I appreciate her taking many steps to make us feel comfortable and capable and doing everything in her power to help us, on papers and tests. I was encouraged/felt better/less stressed when Ariel would tell us that we can ask her questions any time =) " 

"Always has a positive attitude and always willing to help...very helpful." 

"Great study sessions, very nice, etc. You're the best."

"Ariel is very committed to helping the students! Thank you Ariel"

"Cares about students, very encouraging, good at explaining problems, passionate. Discussions were fun and relaxed, and I always learned a lot. She's great" 

"She always encouraged us and helped us do our best. I would love to take more classes with her." 

"She is the nicest I've ever met. She is so helpful. I love you soooooooooo much!!!!!"

"Thank you for all of the hard work you put into making this last semester as exciting and helpful as it was. Your enthusiasm for research and psychology is inspiring and has driven me to want to pursue more research in my own academic career! I have valued your feedback and advice in my work, and writing, and feel like I've grown as a student because of it. It has been an absolute pleasure to learn from you. I hope that you continue to being a source of inspiration for others in what you do!"

"You are helpful and I can tell that you care about your students and their success. You are organized, you describe topics efficiently and effectively. Thank you for being so sweet and involved and willing to help us all.  I couldn't imagine having any one else. You have most definitely helped me improve my grade all around in this class. You are amazing! 

"You're amazing and brilliant. You make an impact on my educational experience here at KU. Thank you!"

"She is a great explainer of the concepts. She is really good at what she does. She makes people feel heard. Thanks for a great semester!"

"Ariel emphasizes the practicality of the class and how it contributes to things outside of class (like research), and cares a lot about preparing us for exams. Passion, excitement, and real world applications" 

"Ariel's biggest strength was that she cared about each one of her students individually and made sure she was always available to help us with any questions we had. My fav teacher so far! =) " 

"Ariel was very understanding of my needs as well as the class! She works hard to give us vital info that will be the most useful to us."

"She is kind, caring, and you can tell she cares so much for her students and will do anything she can to help them."

"Very positive and encouraging. Enable the class to have very open and fulfilling discussion. Ariel was very good at giving constructive feedback. Thank you for a great semester" 

"She broke down the information about topics to fully understand. You are amazing! The information I received from you really helped me in this class and because of you I find myself always using positive words of affirmation! Thank you!"

"I liked how inclusive she was and how much she truly wanted to see us succeed. Thank you for being so helpful!" 

"She made things clear and she explained things thoroughly to where it was easy to complete work. She did a great job all semester" 

"Very helpful in preparing students for success on exams."

"Very understanding of student's needs, discussed material in ways relevant to everyday life. Very generous with time and energy. Provided resources for students to succeed. Thank you for listening to student's struggles and working to accommodate them!" 

"Ariel is very helpful and knowledgeable about the material. She cares about her students and helps them succeed."

"She organizes info well and responded to student concerns"

"I really enjoy Ariel's motivation and the positive presence she brings."

"I liked her optimism and attitude and how she was always encouraging everyone to do their best. Awesome and sincere. Definitely made my experience enjoyable and more memorable." 

"Gives great examples and is always available to help." 

"Passionate, helpful, and friendly"

"Covered topics well, gave good insight on what to do to succeed"

"She cares a lot about the students in the class and is committed to helping us succeed." 

"I just wanted to say thank you for a great semester! I'm super fortunate to have gotten you"

"Thank you for being so kind and patient with me"

Communicating with the Broader Community 

I am passionate about communicating scientific findings regarding social inequality, and strategies to overcome these barriers, to the broader community. I am committed to making science, and particularly social psychology, more accessible to the public. This is because I believe that the theoretical tenants of social psychology can help people to gain greater insight into the way that other people think and behave in social situations, and can derive personal meaning from the insights gathered through experimental research. 

I believe that sharing scientific findings to the broader community can bring attention to important societal issues, and help to provide insight into creating empirical interventions to solve these issues. For example, I have presented my research on cultural appropriation, intersectionality, and diversity, to several community audiences. 

This includes including the Psychology Diversity Committee and the Space, Place and Race Seminar at the University of Kansas, that explores the interplay of social, historical, psychological, and spatial forces in configuring racial formations, identities, and experiences throughout the world. Its thematic concerns are shaped by work in African & African American Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Critical Race Theory, Geography, History, Latin American Studies, Political Science, Psychology, and Urban Studies, which allows me to disseminate my findings to an interdisciplinary audience. Such presentations of my research have allowed me to disseminate scientific knowledge to the broader community, and share the importance of research methods and social psychology to address and answer some of society’s greatest issues.