Numbers from Bird's array notation

This page contains numbers from Bird's array notation. Note that the numbers will start from multidimensional array notation, as linear array notation numbers are basically identical to the ones in BEAF.

Without further ado, let's begin the naming scheme.

Bird's multidimensional array numbers

(note: it works similar with BEAF, by changing [n] to (n-1) for n-1 dimensional array)

From [2] to [3]

From [3] to [1,2]

Cumulative numbers: 67

Hyperdimensional array numbers

Note that BEAF and Bird's array notation are no longer exact at this point.

From [1,2] to [1,1,2]

Cumulative numbers: 144

From [1,1,2] to [1,1,1,2]

Nested array numbers

Cumulative numbers: 204

Beyond nested array numbers (up to 1\1\2)

Cumulative numbers: 298

(up to 1\1\1\2)

To prevent any mixups between numbers... I will just borrow from Extended Cascading-E naming scheme.

A steep climb to the next milestone now...

Cumulative numbers: 393

Note that I am using the modified Hierarchial Hyper-Nested Array Notation by Douglas Shamlin Jr., in which ~ is replaced by ¬, / replaced by \,

To (2 ¬ 2) (the end of 1-hyperseparator)

To (1\1\1\1\2)

Cumulative numbers: 443

To (2 ¬ 2)

Cumulative numbers: 458

To the end?

To Gamma zero

Cumulative numbers: 513

To Ackermann ordinal (phi(1,0,0,0) in Extended Veblen function)

Cumulative numbers: 568

To the limit....

Total so far: 610 (but I will expand more after done with Extended Hyper-E)

Finishing Bird's array notation for now... but obviously will be expanded later.