Below are some of my recent projects. Feel free to email me for more information!

ethics of belief

"Having Beliefs that Wrong Oneself Without Doxastically Wronging Oneself"

"Mitigating Factors for Doxastic Wrongs"

parenthood & procreation

"Gratitude and Tiger Parenting"

"The Ethical Costs of Immigration"

"Confucian Parenting: What It Is, and Why It Is Problematic"

value theory

"Reasons-Sensitivity All the Way" (free will & responsibility)

"The Perks of Polarization" (political philosophy)

"What We Owe to Machines" (artificial intelligence)

philosophy of religion

"Why Religious Faith Can't be Doxastic Venture"

— winner of New Crop Philosophy Prize, Second Place

"Friendly Atheism"

High Honors, UC Berkeley Department of Philosophy