Princes Trust

Money Management

Year 10 and 11 Prince's Trust classes have recently been doing a Managing Money unit. Over the past couple of weeks they have been looking at tax, outgoings and personal budgeting. In a previous lesson they were given a mock P60 for careers that they are interested in, however the tax section was blank and they had to work out their tax bracket, deduct their personal allowance and then work out what their salary would be after tax. Following this they have then had to estimate the outgoings for an average family of four, and look at the difference between their income and their outgoings.

For many of the students this has been a huge eye opener and Mrs Parker has had a few students tell her how much they now appreciate their parents, she even had one say that it has made them realise how important it is to make sure that they are successful.

Not only have the students numeracy skills been challenged but Mrs Parker has seen their oracy skills around this subject strengthen.