What does APM stand for?

APM stands for Associate Product Manager, a role that designates a Product Manager in the early stages of their career in product. The term was coined at Google to describe their internal PM training program, originally run by Marissa Mayer. The program is still ongoing at Google today, with many other tech companies running similar programs.    

How is APM Montreal different from other product training courses?

APM Montreal is a community run training program. This means that the Mentors are product leaders working in the Montreal community and are volunteering their time. The result is a hands-on and practical approach that focuses on how PM problems get solved in real situations and with specific tactics with passionate and dedicated teachers. The APM Montreal approach also creates an amazing community experience.    

What is included in the program?

APMs selected for the program get access to:

How do I know if this program is for me?

We have found that these profiles get the most out of the program. If you are not sure, fill in the form to join anyways, and someone will reach out to assess fit.

If a PM has been in their role for more than a year, it’s probably not a good fit as the APM Montreal training is aimed at building an Associate Product Manager's fundamental skills in the practice.

What is expected from the APMs?

I'm interested in joining as an APM, but my company doesn't have a Mentor available. Can I still participate?

APM Montreal is a community based training program and product leaders participating as Mentors are a key component of its success. For this reason, we aim to partner with companies that can send both an APM and a Mentor as a pair to participate in the program.

However, this year we are also accepting applicants who don’t have sponsorship yet. Please reach out through our form.

What is expected from Mentors?

I'm interested in joining as a Mentor, but my company doesn't have any APMs at the moment. Can I still participate?

We are always excited to welcome Mentors that are interested in participating in the program and joining the Montreal product community. By joining as a Mentor, we are able to open up the program to interested APMs that did not have an available Mentor and further our mission of making product management more accessible.

How much does the program cost?

To ensure that we keep APM Montreal accessible, program fees per APM are based on the stage of the participating company. 

Can companies based outside of Montreal participate?

We are primarily focused on growing the Product Community in Montreal, but will consider APMs and Mentors based in neighbouring regions (Ex. Quebec City, Ottawa, etc) if the APM and Mentors are able to commit to attending 1 in-person session a month. Please reach out through our form.

Our company would like to send more than one APM. Is it possible?

This is sometimes possible depending on the overall intake for each cohort. If you have interest for more than one APM, let us know and we will coordinate directly with you.

We’re interested, but the timing is off. What should we do?

We typically run cohorts starting in January. If this year’s timing does not work for your company, please sign up to be notified for our next cohort.

Can APMs or Mentors swap mid-way during the program?

APMs and Mentors sign-up are for the entire program to provide a consistent experience for the group.

Is APM Montreal run in English or French?

APM Montreal's program is currently run in English.

Many of our APMs and Mentors are bilingual, and we'll hear lots of lively discussions in both English and French discussions at social events.


"The APM Montreal program, is an amazing opportunity for new Product Managers or those looking to break into role to learn the foundation of Product Management. The course material reflects the reality of the day to day work of the role, and helps build a repertoire of frameworks one can apply to their work. My absolute favorite part of the program is the sense of community that is built among the course participants and Mentors, and being able to work through problems together and learn how our mentors have found success in their roles and careers."

Harrison Heft - Associate Data Product Manager at Alayacare
APM cohort 2022