
Year after year, we are improving our curriculum based on feedback and new rising needs for APMs in Montreal.

The curriculum for each cohort is finalized in partnership with the participating Mentors so that it reflects their expertise and interests. Each cohort's curriculum is structured in four areas:

Introductory classes

These include the two kickoffs where participants get to know each other and the first class which touches on what it means to be a product manager.

  • Meet & greet sessions with Mentors & APMs

  • Session 1 - What is Product Management

Building Great Products

  • Session 2 - Understanding your customers

  • Session 3 - Measure what matters

  • Session 4 - Writing user stories

  • Session 5 - Working with Engineers

  • Session 6 - Working with UX design

  • Session 7 - The lean startup

  • Session 8 - Prioritizing features for your team

  • Session 9 - Working with data and analytics

Marketing products

  • Session 10 - Positioning

  • Session 11 - Working with Customer Facing Teams

  • Session 12 - Customer Engagement

On the path to Senior PM

  • Session 13 - Business Strategy

  • Session 14 - Product Strategy

  • Session 15 - How to manage your time as a PM

  • Session 16 - Communication & Influence

  • Session 17 - Difficult Conversations & non violent communication

  • Session 18 - Panel: Ask anything to the mentors!

How are sessions run?

The exact format of each session depends on the senior PM that is leading it.
That said, each session usually includes the following aspects:

  • Pre reading in advance

  • Icebreaker/warmup

  • Discuss pre-reads

  • Short talk (20 min)

  • Exercises and activities

The thesis of the program is that there are many ways to approach key issues in product management and that the best PMs use judgement and creativity to tailor their approach to the needs of the company. The goal for the learning environment is therefore to create a safe space for conversation and inquiry between all members of the community.

"APM Montréal helped me learn how I could apply my skills to product management practices. From product strategy to influencing and communication, I had a chance practice them with other APMs during clearly defined workshops, solving real work problems with support and feedback from Senior PMs. Thank you APM Montréal for helping me get the PM experience that's required to land the first PM job."

Gulen Buyukbayram - Product manager at
APM cohort 2022

"The APM program gives invaluable experiences from networking to critical thinking and problem solving, the opportunity to learn from and work with such a talented pool of mentors and APMs was amazing and I'm excited to see where we all go from here!"

Maya Harrington - APM at Receptivity
APM cohort 2021