
Data from individual farmas and plots will be stored in the applications downloaded in the Smartphone. The results can be shared as PDF reports by the users. The application as such will not store the information in cloud or shar the information, thus securing total privacy of the data of the users of the applications.

To develop the applications we will use an open source framework (Flutter developed by Google) to create native applications in an easy, fast and simple way. Its main advantage is that it generates 100% native code for each platform (Android and iOS), so the performance and UX is completely identical to traditional native applications.

Also on the Back-end side, an object-oriented programming language created by Google (Dart) must be used. It is highly versatile, so it can be used in the development of: Mobile and desktop applications; Scripts and Back-end. By using this type of technologies it will be possible to make the applications without connections (offline) with a free database also called SQLite version 3.

The applications will be built with:

- Flutter 1.2.4

- SQFlite 1.3.2

- Dart 2.10.4

One of the main advantages is that there are no viruses, the presence of viruses in operating systems based on Free Software and Open Source technology is very low. Another advantage is the security of the systems, in these systems the security is much higher and on the other hand the stability of the programs is greater than the one that exists in proprietary programs.