
Last update: September 9

Day 1 - 17 September 2019

09:00 - 09:15 Welcome to Thailand

  • Jost Wagner, Managing Director, The Change Initiative & APFN 2019 Conference Director
  • Mr. Lloyd Vatanakovarun, Executive Director, Ananda Development
  • Dr. Pun-Arj Chairatana , Executive Director, National Innovation Agency - Futures in Thailand

09:15 - 09:30 Overview about the Conference Program and Introductions

09:30 - 09:55 Keynote by Chor Pharn Lee, Principal Strategist, Centre for Strategic Futures, Strategy Group, Singapore

09:55 - 10:30 The Future of ASEAN and its neighbours - A moderated panel discussion with

Dr. Apiwat Ratanawaraha, Chulalongkorn University, Dr. Susann Roth, Asian Development Bank, Mr Rushdi Abdul Rahim, Malaysia Director, myForesight (MIGHT, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology), Mr. Lloyd Vatanakovarun, Executive Director, Ananda Development

Moderator: Dr. Natalie Phaholyothin, CEO World Wildlife Fund, Thailand & Foresight practitioner

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30 Sharing of future methods and interesting approaches (Concurrent Workshops)

Workshop A1 - A4 (Please visit the Workshop Page for detailed information)

Workshop A1: The Future of ASEAN 2030 and its neighbours - A window into the future (Academic Presentations)

Note: In this session senior researchers present their work in slots of 15 minutes in the plenary hall

  • That Futures Workshop was Great – So What Now??? Future Scenarios to Lasting Action and Agency: Elissa Farrow, About Your Transition and Doctoral Researcher, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
  • Korea Futures in 2050: Dr. Seong Won Park, Researcher, National Assembly Futures Institute (NAFI), South Korea
  • China’s Greater Bay Area: Deepening the Futures of the ASEAN region? Dr. Marcus Anthony, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai.
  • How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaping the future of society in the digital revolution - The case of South Korea, Dr. Hyeonju Son, Cheonbuk National University

Moderator: Dr. Jeanne Hoffman, Tamkang University, Taiwan

Workshop A2: Developing Scenarios - A practical introduction, Dr. Nur Anisah, Senior Teaching Fellow, Strathclyde University & Founder Futures Sandbox

Workshop A3: Futurevisions at Risk? How to apply risk and resilience thinking in futures workshops, Sherman Cruz, Director, Center for Engaged Foresight

Workshop A4: Futures Action Model Game, Jose Ramos, Director at Action Foresight & Senior Consulting Editor at the Journal of Futures Studies

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 14:45 Windows to futures of Culture, Technology and Security

The future of ASEAN 2030 - Using AI to predict the future - Dr. Michael Jackson, Founder 'Shaping Tomorrow'

The future of Technology - Mr. Marc Lepage, Technology Innovations specialist at Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The future of Law Enforcements and Security - Anita Hazenberg, Director of the INTERPOL Innovation Centre

Biosecurity in ASEAN 2030 - Peter Black, Biosecurity Expert and former senior expert of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (FAO)

Moderator: José Ramos, Director, Action Foresight

14:45 - 15:15 Coffee Break

15:15 - 17:15 Open Space – Coming Together, Sharing Knowledge – Addressing the challenges of tomorrow today

This self organized session is using Open Space Technology. Open Space give attendees the opportunity to talk about anything they’d like. A person might suggest a topic they want to learn about, or one they feel like they can help others with. The topics can range widely, from highly technical, to pure culture, to sharing a method.

Facilitator: Jost Wagner, The Change Initiative, Bangkok

17:15 - 17:30 Reflections on Day 1 and Outlook for Day 2

Day 2 - 18 September 2019

09:00 - 10:25 The impact of Futures Thinking - Regional and Country Examples

  • Policymaking and Future in Singapore, Wee Shann Lam, Chief Innovation & Technology Officer, Ministry of Transport, Government of Singapore
  • Futures and Strategy in China - Louis (Keji) Zheng, Futurist-in-Residence, FuturistCircle, PR China
  • Futures Thinking in Thailand - Theresa Mathawaphan, Chief Strategy Officer, National Innovation Agency, Thailand
  • The Expanded Now - Dr. Richard Hames, Founder, The Centre for the Future, Australia/Thailand

Moderator: Jost Wagner, The Change Initiative10:25 - 10:45

10:25 -10:35 Book Launch and Introduction to the breakouts

10:35 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30 Sharing of futures methods and novel approaches

Concurrent Workshops B1-B4

B1: An introduction into Causal Layered Analysis (for Thai speaking participants): Dr. Sohail Inayatullah. UNESCO Chair for Futures Studies assisted by Ittinat Seeboonruang, Deputy Director, The Change Initiative and Thai Facilitation Expert

B2: Enabling Futures for Peace: How to Transform Conflicts to Create New Realities - Cesar Geronimo H. Villanueva, Peace Futurist

B3: Gaming Tomorrow(s): Prototyping the Participatory Futures Game, Dr. Nur Anisah, Dr. Jose Ramos, Mr. Daniel Riveong, and Dr. John A. Sweeney

B4: Time Prism & Time Machine, Dr. Mei Mei Song, Independent Futurist, Taiwan

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 1500 Concurrent Workshops C1 - C4

Workshop C1: Sensemaking in Uncertain Times, Michael McAllum, Chief Steward, Centre of the Future Academy and Director & Strategic Foresight Lead @, Giulio Quaggoitto (tbc) and Diastika Rahwidiati of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Workshop C2: Bringing communities together with artists for imagining futures. Maya Van Leemput, Founder and Director, Reel Futures & Lecturer at the Erasmushogeschool Brussel

Workshop C3: An introduction into Adaptive Conflict Analysis, Alessandro Fergnani, Researcher, National University of Singapore, Business School

Workshop C4: Kryptonite is rocket fuel: the unlikely scenario to rebranding futurists, Sérgio Brodsky, Head of Strategy and Innovation at Nunn Media, Marketing lecturer at RMIT & Chairman at The Marketing Academy Alumni

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:30 Stories from Asia

Digital transformation and Social Change in the ASEAN Region, Kee Young Yoon, Adjunct Professor of Futures studies at HUFS (Hankook Univ. of Foreign Studies) & Board Member of the Korea Federation of Futures studies.

Home is Where the Heart of the Future Is" Intimate Futures, Youth and Asia, Dr. Sherman Cruz, Center for Engaged Foresight

Reframing the futures of education in Bangladesh in 2041, Shakil Ahmed, Associate Director of Public Affairs at Teach For Bangladesh

Advancing the SDGs with Futures Thinking, Susan Roth, Vivek Raman & Tiago de Jesus Ribeiro, Knowledge Management and Innovation Specialists, Asian Development Bank

Moderator: Adam Sharpe, Founder, 21st Century Workshop

16:30 - 17:00 Using the future to transform: a meta to mantra scale.

  • Prof. Sohail Inayatullah, UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies and Director,

17:00 - 17:15 Closing and Vote of Thanks