Members at BCAM

Manuel Cañizares

PhD student at BCAM

I work on inverse problems arising on PDEs. The starting point of my thesis lies at the inverse scattering problem with partial data. Overall, I’m interested in those problems with a tractable connection to physics and other sciences.

Pedro Caro

IKERBASQUE Research Associate at BCAM

Pedro's website

I work on inverse problems arising in PDEs, especially these with an analytical flavour. I am very interested in problems of regularity which require tools from harmonic and microlocal analysis. Recently, I have also got interested in problems where there is a specific uncertainty which is modelled by random fields.

Alejandro Claros

PhD Student at BCAM

I am working on harmonic analysis topics. My research interests focus on weighted inequalities, Poincaré-type inequalities, fractional Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities and BMO spaces.

Mikel Flórez

PhD Student at BCAM

I am working on harmonic analysis. In particular, I am interested in the theory of singular integrals, directional singular integrals, square functions, and time-frequency analysis.

Francesco Fanelli

IKERBASQUE Research Associate at BCAM

Francesco's website

My research interests mainly lie in the analysis of partial differential equations, with a special focus on models describing fluid dynamics. From a general perspective, I aim to capture effects due to large heterogeneities and lack of regularity.

I study questions linked with well-posedness of the models and asymptotic behaviour of solutions, especially singular perturbation problems and multiscale analysis.

Marco Fraccaroli

Postdoctoral researcher at BCAM

Marcos's website

My research interests lie in harmonic analysis, as well as its connections to other areas of mathematics. During my Ph.D. studies I developed the duality theory for the Lp spaces on sets endowed with an outer measure. More recently I have been working in the area of time-frequency analysis, studying certain multilinear multipliers satisfying translation, modulation, and dilation invariances. I am also interested in questions about uniform Fourier restriction.

Rubén de la Fuente

PhD student at BCAM

I am working with Luz Roncal in the analysis of PDEs on graphs. In particular, we look for Hardy uncertainty principles for functions over graphs, for which we study uniqueness properties for the Schrödinger equation with the graph Laplacian. My interests range from functional analysis, PDEs and geometry, to some questions in mathematical physics.

Iker Gardeazabal

PhD Student at BCAM 

I am working on harmonic analysis topics, in particular generalised Poincaré inequalities with Carlos Pérez Moreno and interpolation formulas with Mateus Sousa.

Sergei Iakunin

Postdoctoral researcher at BCAM

Sergei's website

I work on nonlinear effects in mechanics of solids. My master thesis was related to contact problem emerged in simulation of assembly of aircrafts and my PhD thesis was about simulation of wrinkles in bacterial biofilms. My research interests are:

Renato Lucà

IKERBASQUE research fellow at BCAM 

Renato's page on google scholar

I mainly work in harmonic analysis with applications to PDEs, most notably to the Schrödinger and Navier--Stokes equations.

Pablo Merino

PhD Student at BCAM

Many problems in PDEs can be attacked introducing a suitable probability on the solutions space (for instance Gibbs measures). I am interested in the implementation of this statistical approach to the study of the pointwise behavior of dispersive PDEs. More specifically, in the context of nonlinear wave models, I study the almost everywhere pointwise convergence of the solutions to the initial data, as time goes to zero, namely the nonlinear/probabilistic version of the celebrated Carleson problem.

Claudiu Mindrila

Postdoc fellow at at BCAM

Claudiu's website

I am interested in fluid mechanics in general, investigating issues such as existence, regularity, time-periodicity.

Lately I've been working on the fluid-structure interaction, studying fluids that interact with elastic membranes.

Sergio Moroni

PhD Student at BCAM

My research interests lie in between Calculus of Variation and PDEs, with applications to physical models. At the moment I am studying the propagation of a light beam through a liquid crystal. I am also interested in Geometric Measure Theory and analysis on Manifolds

Zoe Nieraeth

Juan de la Cierva Formación post-doctoral fellow

Zoe's website

My research is in the topic of multilinear harmonic analysis and concerns studying weighted bounds for multilinear singular integral operators through sparse forms and their connections to vector-valued extensions with respect to UMD Banach spaces. More recently I have been working on developing an understanding of the theory of quasi-Banach function spaces within the context of harmonic analysis as an abstraction of the classical weighted theory in Lebesgue spaces.

Andrea Olivo

Postdoctoral researcher at BCAM

Andrea's website

My research focuses on problems from harmonic analysis and geometric measure theory. In particular, I like those that lie within the limit of these two areas. Currently, I am interested in Poincaré trace inequalities and the improving behavior of self-similar measures in Lebesgue spaces.

Claudia Peña

PhD Student at BCAM

I'm working between the areas of harmonic analysis and PDEs. More specifically, I apply analytical tools to the study of changes in the topology of the flux lines over time of the solutions to Navier-Stokes and MHD equations, i.e. vortex reconnection and magnetic reconnection, respectively. I also study well-posedness for these equations.

Felipe Ponce-Vanegas

Post-doctoral researcher at BCAM

Felipes's website

In my PhD I worked on improving multilinear inequalities for the extension operator, which is the Fourier transform of a measure supported on a manifold. Currently, I am interested in inverse problems.

Kauê Rodrigues Alves

PhD student at BCAM

My research interests concerns the applications of operator algebras in quantum statistical mechanics, in particular to the theory of first order phase transitions in quantum systems. 

Luz Roncal

IKERBASQUE Research Associate and Ramón y Cajal fellow

Luz's website

My research concerns problems from harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. 

In particular, my most recent interests include spherical means, square functions, directional operators, analysis in the infinite torus, analysis in the Heisenberg group, non-local equations, and unique continuation.

Nico Michele Schiavone

Juan de la Cierva Formación post-doctoral fellow

Nico's website

My research interests mainly concern the spectral properties of self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint quantum mechanical Hamiltonians, with a particular interest for the Dirac operator. I also investigate problems regarding dispersive partial differential equations.

Mateus Sousa

Ramón y Cajal Fellow at BCAM

Mateus's website

I am broadly interested in mathematical analysis, especially topics in harmonic analysis. My interests include sharp inequalities, regularity of maximal operators and the restriction theory of the Fourier transform, uncertainty principles, Fourier interpolation formulas and related topics.

Ying Wang

Postdoctoral fellow at BCAM 

My research interests lie in harmonic analysis and their applications to the dispersive equations. Especially, I study the dispersive, Strichartz, and resolvent estimates associated with Schrödinger operator with potential. And I combine these estimates and  harmonic analysis tools to study the well-posedness, scattering theory and blow-up dynamics for the nonlinear dispersive equations.

Athanasios Zacharopoulos

Postdoctoral researcher at BCAM

My research interests lie in the interface of PDEs, Harmonic and Geometric Analysis. Currently I am working on inverse problems arising in PDEs.

Arghir Zarnescu

IKERBASQUE research professor at BCAM

Arghir's website

Current research is concerned with the analytical study of physically motivated systems of partial differential equations. So far it has concentrated on several major directions: