Job Opportunities

Here you can find a list of the jobs opportunities currently available within the institutions of the Bilbao Analysis and PDE community. More details about the opportunities at each institution in Bilbao are available on each respective subpage.

IKERBASQUE Positions in the basque country

Ikerbasque is the Basque Foundation for Science

Every year Ikerbasque launches two types of calls:

The first one is a call for Ikerbasque Research Fellows, a 5-year tenure track position with the possibility of tenure, after an evaluation that takes place during the end of the 4th year of the tenure track period. The call is usually open in the beginning of January and the deadline is usually in the beginning of March.

The second one is a call for Ikerbasque Research associates and professors. These positions are permanent without a tenure track period, and are suitable for researchers that are already established in their fields. The call for the permanent Ikerbasque positions is usually open in June, with a deadline for submission of applications in early September.

All Ikerbasque positions are co-financed by the host institution and every candidate must contact a research group and secure a support letter before submitting their application. Without this agreement of support the application will not be considered, and it is important to note this letter of support is not a formality and is not given automatically.

You can follow the corresponding links below for more information on how to apply for such a position either at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) or at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)