Selected Works

40% of total score

10 digital images consisting of two views each of five works that demonstrate synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas using 3-D art and design skills.


For the Selected Works section of the AP 3-D Art and Design Portfolio Exam, students must submit digital images of two views each of five works (10 images total) that demonstrate:

For each work, students must state the following in writing:


The five works will be evaluated collectively and holistically based on the following three scoring criteria:

Scoring Criteria

Corresponding Skills

Make works of art and design that demonstrate 3-D skills.

Skill 2.D

Make works of art and design that demonstrate synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.

Skill 2.C

Identify, in writing, materials, processes, and ideas used to make works of art and design.

Skill 3.C

The most successful portfolio submissions will demonstrate: