1. Papers (peer-reviewed) (23)


Tsuyuki A*, xxx, xxx. (submitted) xxx. xxx.

Tsuyuki A*, xxx, xxx. (submitted) xxx. xxx.

Tsuyuki A*, xxx,  xxx, xxx. (submitted) xxx. xxx.

xxx, xxx, Tsuyuki A*. (submitted) xxx. xxx.

Accepted / online first (1)

Oya Y*, Maeno A, Tsuyuki A, Kohtsuka H, Kajihara H. Microfocus X-Ray Computed Tomography of Paraplanocera oligoglena (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida) with an Evaluation of Histological Sections After Scanning. Zoological Science.

2024 (6)

Abato JC*, Chernyshev A, Hookabe N, Tsuyuki A, Kaushik G, Kajihara H. (2024) New Oerstedia species from Northwest Pacific delimiting the polymorphic congeners of the genus Oerstedia Quatrefages, 1864 (Nemertea, Hoplonemertea) and descriptions of three new species from the Northwest Pacific. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12 Link

Kakui K*, Tsuyuki A (2024) Flatworm cocoons in the abyss: same plan under pressure. Biology Letters 20: 20230506. Link

Oya Y, Moritaki T, Tsuyuki A. (2024) Description of a new species of Pericelis (Polycladida, Diposthidae) from sunken wood in the bathyal zone in Japan. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 104: e12. Link

Tsuyuki A*, Okuno J. (2024) Nymphozoon cinderella sp. nov. (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida: Pseudocerotidae), a new species of marine flatworm from Japan. Bulletin of Marine Science 100(1): 81–94. Link  

Tsuyuki A, Reyes J*, Oya Y, Wakeman KC, Leander BS, Van Steenkiste NWL. (2024) Marine microturbellarians from Japan, with description of two new species of Reinhardorhynchus (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela, Koinocystididae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 100(3): 877895. Link

大矢佑基*, 露木葵唯. (2024) 神奈川県におけるマロマユヒラムシ(新称)(扁形動物門:多岐腸目)の初記録. 神奈川自然誌資料 45: 5356. 

2023 (4)

Jimi N*, Bessho-Uehara M, Nakamura K, Sakata M, Hayashi T, Kanie S, Mitani Y, Ohmiya Y, Tsuyuki A, Ota Y, Woo SP, Ogoh K. 2023. Investigating the diversity of bioluminescent marine worm Polycirrus (Annelida), with description of three new species from the Western Pacific. Royal Society Open Science 10: 230039. Link

Tsuyuki A*, Oya Y, Jimi N, Hookabe N, Fujimoto S, Kajihara H. 2023a.Theama japonica sp. nov., an interstitial polyclad flatworm showing a wide distribution along Japanese coasts. Zoological Science 40(3): 262272. Link

Tsuyuki A*, Oya Y, Kajihara H. 2023b. A new species of slender flatworm in the genus Eucestoplana and a record of E. cf. cuneata (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida) from the Okinawa Islands, Japan, with an inference of their phylogenetic positions within Cestoplanidae. Zoosystematics and Evolution 99(2): 363373. Link

大矢佑基*, 露木葵唯. 2023. 高知県大月町から得られたTrigonoporus cf. mirabilis (扁形動物門:多岐腸目).  Kuroshio Biosphere 20(2): 3338.

2022 (4)

Oya Y*, Tsuyuki A, Kajihara H. 2022. Descriptions of two new species of Armatoplana (Polycladida: Stylochoplanidae) from the coasts of Japan, with their phylogenetic positions in Leptoplanoidea. Zootaxa 5178(5): 433452. Link

Tsuyuki A*, Kohtsuka H, Hookabe N, Kajihara H. 2022a. First record of Bulaceros porcellanus Newman & Cannon, 1996 (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Cotylea) from Japanese waters, with a revision of the generic diagnosis based on morphology and molecular phylogeny. Plankton and Benthos Research 17(2): 147–155. Link

Tsuyuki A*, Oya Y, Kajihara H. 2022b. Reversible shifts between interstitial and epibenthic habitats in evolutionary history: molecular phylogeny of the marine flatworm family Boniniidae (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida: Cotylea) with descriptions of two new species. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0276847. Link プレスリリース

Tsuyuki A*, Oya Y, Kajihara H. 2022c. Two new species of the marine flatworm Pericelis (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida) from southwestern Japan, with an amendment of the generic diagnosis based on phylogenetic inference. Marine Biology Research 17(9–10): 946–959. Link

2021 (3)

Hookabe N*, Xu C-M, Tsuyuki A, Jimi N, Sun S-C, Kajihara H. 2021. A new nemertean with a branched proboscis, Gorgonorhynchus citrinus sp. nov. (Nemertea: Pilidiophora), with molecular systematics of the genus. Invertebrate Systematics 35: 350–359.

Oya Y*, Tsuyuki A, Kajihara H. 2021. Description of a new species of Alloioplana (Polycladida: Stylochoplanidae) with an inference on its phylogenetic position in Leptoplanoidea. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 134(1): 306317.

Tsuyuki A*, Kohtsuka H, Kajihara H. 2021. Description of a new species of the marine flatworm Prosthiostomum (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida) and its three known congeners from Misaki, Japan, with inference of their phylogenetic positions within Prosthiostomidae. Zoological Studies 60(29): 120. Link

2020 (4)

Oya Y,* Tsuyuki A, Kajihara H. 2020. A new species of Zygantroides (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida) from Amakusa, Japan. Species Diversity 25(2): 189196.

Tsuyuki A*, Kajihara H. 2020. A giant new species of Enchiridium (Polycladida, Prosthiostomidae) from southwestern Japan. Zookeys 918: 15–28. Link

Tsuyuki A*, Oya Y, Kajihara H. 2020. First record of Stylostomum ellipse (Dalyell, 1853) (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida) from the Pacific Ocean. Check List 16(3):773779. Link

Tsuyuki A*, Oya Y, Jimi N, Kajihara H. 2020. Description of Pericelis flavomarginata sp. nov. (Polycladida: Cotylea) and its predatory behavior on a scaleworm. Zootaxa 4894(3):403412. Link

2019 (1)

Tsuyuki A*, Oya Y, Kajihara H. 2019. A new species of Prosthiostomum (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida) from Shirahama, Japan. Species Diversity 24(2): 137–143. Link

2. Papers (not peer-reviewed) (2)

2023 (1)

露木葵唯. 2023. 本邦沿岸から見つかる吸盤亜目ヒラムシ類. うみうし通信 120: 24.

2022 (1)

露木葵唯*, 勝島日向子. 2022. 御蔵島におけるヨイミヤミノヒラムシ(扁形動物門, 多岐腸目, ニセツノヒラムシ科)の初報告. Mikurensis 11: 11–15. 勝島日向子さんによる研究紹介

3. Presentations  (19)

2024 (6)

露木葵唯, 吉田隆太, 大矢佑基. ヒラムシにおける組織切片に基づく立体構築:陰茎針の構造をグラフィカルに理解する. 日本動物分類学会第59回大会. 2024年6月. 鳥取. 口頭発表.

○Tsuyuki A.  Diversity of marine flatworms (Polycladida: Cotylea) in Japan. OIST-CNRS Joint Symposium on West Pacific Marine Biology. April 23-25, 2024. OIST, Okinawa, Japan. Poster.

○Tsuyuki A. Taxonomic studies of Polycladida (Platyhelminthes) in Japan.  SCIENCE WEEK 2024: A host to its long-lived traditions, A toast for new innovations. March 6, 2024. Mindanao State University, Marawi, the Philippines. Oral presentation, Keynote Speaker.

○Tsuyuki A. Marine Flatworms ― Swimming Carpet in the Sea in "Approaches to the Taxonomic Studies of Phylum Nemertea, Order Polycladida, and Order Isopoda". 2024 Seminar on Taxonomy and Systematics. March 7, 2024. Mindanao State University at Naawan, Naawan, the Philippines. Oral presentation, Invited Speaker.

○Tsuyuki A. Marine Flatworms ― Swimming Carpet in the Sea in "Approaches to the Taxonomic Studies of Phylum Nemertea, Order Polycladida, and Order Isopoda". Marine Invertebrates Systematics and Taxonomy Methods Lecture-Workshop. March 15, 2024. Caraga State University, Butuan, the Philippines. Oral presentation, Invited Speaker.

○大矢佑基, 露木葵唯. Stylochoposthia属ヒラムシ(多岐腸目:無吸盤亜目)の系統的位置. 日本動物分類学会第59回大会. 2024年6月. 鳥取. 口頭発表.

2023 (4)

露木葵唯, 大矢佑基. 特殊な陰茎針をもつヒラムシDidangiidae科の1未記載種. 第9回北大部局横断シンポジウム. 2023年10月. 札幌. 口頭発表. 【ベストプレゼンター賞】

○露木葵唯, 奥野淳兒. 雌性生殖孔を複数もつことで特徴づけられるNymphozoon属ヒラムシ類(扁形動物門:多岐腸目:ニセツノヒラムシ科)の1種. 日本動物分類学会第58回大会. 2023年6月. 豊橋. ポスター発表.

○Tsuyuki A, Oya Y, Jimi N, Kushida Y, Kohtsuka H, Kajihara H. Discovery of an undescribed polyclad genus associated with octocorals in shallow waters in Japan.  XV International Symposium on Flatworm Biology. July 24-28, 2023. São Sebastião, São Paulo, Brazil. Poster.

Oya Y, Tsuyuki A. Distribution patterns of five Notocomplana (Polycladida, Acotylea) species along the coast of Japan.  XV International Symposium on Flatworm Biology. July 24-28, 2023. São Sebastião, São Paulo, Brazil. Poster.

2022 (4)

○露木葵唯. 海産無脊椎動物ヒラムシ(扁形動物門:多岐腸目)の系統分類学.  EZOゼミ第55回セミナー. 2022年10月. 北海道(ハイブリッド). 招待講演.

○露木葵唯, 大矢佑基, 自見直人, 波々伯部夏美, 藤本心太, 柁原宏. 間隙性ヒラムシ類Theamatidae (扁形動物門:多岐腸目)の北西太平洋初報告:1未記載種の形態的特徴と分布について. 日本動物分類学会第57回大会. 2022年6月. 東京(オンライン開催). 口頭発表.

○露木葵唯, 大矢佑基, 自見直人, 櫛田優花, 幸塚久典, 柁原宏. 日本産ヤギ類共生性ヒラムシ類Apidioplanidae (扁形動物門、多岐腸目、無吸盤亜目) の多様性. 日本動物学会第93回大会. 早稲田. 口頭発表.

○大矢佑基, 露木葵唯. ウスヒラムシ(Notocomplana humilis)とその近縁種の分布パターン. 日本動物分類学会第57回大会. 2022年6月. 東京(オンライン開催). 口頭発表.

2021 (1)

○露木葵唯, 大矢佑基, 柁原宏. 沖縄本島から得られたボニニア属ヒラムシ類(扁形動物門多岐腸目)の2未記載種. 日本動物学会第92回大会. 2021年9月. 米子(オンライン開催). ポスター発表.

2020 (1)

○露木葵唯, 大矢佑基, 柁原宏. 沖縄本島から得られた間隙性ヒラムシ, ボニニア科(扁形動物門多岐腸目)の一種について. 動物多様性セミナー. 2020年9月. オンライン. 口頭発表.

2019 (3)

○露木葵唯, 大矢佑基, 柁原宏. 太平洋初記録となる Stylostomum ellipse(扁形動物門:多岐腸目:エウリレプタ科)の報告. 日本動物分類学会第55回大会. 2019年6月. 神奈川. ポスター発表.

○露木葵唯, 大矢佑基, 柁原宏. DNAバーコーディングにより判明した巨大なホソヒラムシ類の隠蔽種について. 日本動物学会第90回大会. 2019年9月. 大阪. 口頭発表.

○露木葵唯. ヒラムシ類の系統分類学. 進化学若手の会. 2019年8月. 北海道. フラッシュトーク.

2018 (1)

○露木葵唯, 大矢佑基, 柁原宏. 紀伊半島西南部沿岸潮間帯で得た日本未記録のヒラムシ類 Lurymare clavocapitata(扁形動物門:多岐腸目:ホソヒラムシ科)の報告. 日本動物分類学会第54回大会. 2018年6月. 鹿児島. ポスター発表.

2017 (1)

露木葵唯, 幸塚久典, ○大森紹仁. 日本産浅海性イボアシウミシダ科ウミシダ類の分類再検討. 日本動物学会第88回大会. 2017年9月. 富山. 口頭発表.