Anyone Python S02

Thank you so much for your interests in Anyone Python Season 2.  Total 142 people from all over the world (US, South Korea and China) registered at Anyone Python S02, and we have 5 episodes using Zoom. The main theme of Season 02 is "Command Line Interface" that allows students to learn about basic computer interface.

Anyone Python Season 02 is finished successfully on October 2, 2020. All episodes are available as Youtube videos. All materials are available at description of each Youtube video.

Contact to Prof. Jeongkyu Lee via if you have any questions. Again thank you and stay safe.

Episode 00: Zoom Policy

(Sep 3, 2020)

Episode 01: Command Line

(Sep 4, 2020)

Episode 02; CLI commands 1

(Sep 11, 2020)

Episode 03: CLI commands 2

(Sep 18, 2020)

Episode 04: VI (VIM) Line Editor

(Sep 25, 2020)

Episode 05: Python Shell using CLI

(Oct 2, 2020)

2020 Anyone Python is online "Basic Python" class using Zoom for ALL (students and parents). In this online class, you will learn 'Basic Python' and 'Intro Computer Science' informal way. No curriculum, No textbook, No grade, No PPT files, No materials, No stress ... you need only a computer.

Season 2 is a mini-season before we start to learn main Python programming language (maybe Season 3). Anyone Python S02 is focusing on command line interface including Python utilities, bash shell, and line editor (vim) with basic computer science, i.e., operating systems.

No curriculum, No textbook, No grade, No PPT files, No materials, No stress! You just need yourself and a computer to participate!

No Curriculum

There is no specific curriculum in Anyone Python. Instead, students will learn the following topics:

Who is teaching?

I am Prof. Jeongkyu Lee at the University of Bridgeport, CT. I have been teaching Computer Science since 2006, and hosted Computer Science camp for high school students every summer. 


Contact to Prof. Jeongkyu Lee at if any questions.