Anyone Python

2021 Anyone Python is online "Basic Python" class using Zoom for ALL (students and parents). In this online class, you will learn 'Basic Python' and 'Intro Computer Science' informal way. No curriculum, No textbook, No grade, No PPT files, No materials, No stress ... you need only a computer.

Anyone Python Season 01 is finished successfully on June 5. All episodes are available as Youtube videos. All materials are available at description of each Youtube video.

Anyone Python Season 02 is finished successfully on October 2, 2020. All episodes are available as Youtube videos. All materials are available at description of each Youtube video.

Anyone Python Season 03 deals with a basic Python to learn core Python programming language. Anyone Python S03 is focusing on core parts of programing language including variable, control flow and data structure as well as introductory CS.

No curriculum, No textbook, No grade, No PPT files, No materials, No stress! You just need yourself and a computer to participate!

Anyone Python S01

Anyone Python S02

Anyone Python S03

No Curriculum

There is no specific curriculum in Anyone Python. Instead, students will learn the following topics:

Who is teaching?


Contact to Prof. Jeongkyu Lee at if any questions.