
Courses offered at Virginia Tech:

AAEC 3204 International Agricultural Development & Trade (offered both semesters, I teach in Fall)

AAEC 6314 Topics in Applied Development Economics (Ph.D) (offered in Fall semester once every two years, co-taught with Bradford Mills). Will be offered in Fall 2024.

AAEC 6984 Empirical Analysis of Markets & Policy (Ph.D.) (offered in Fall semesters once every two years, co-taught with John Bovay). Will be offered again in Fall 2025.

Past Courses offered at Virginia Tech:

AAEC 4894 Topics in International Development (undergraduate) (offered as a co-joined course along with AAEC 5154)

AAEC 5154 International Agricultural Development & Trade (M.S.)

Teaching Awards:

I received the UC Davis Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award for 2017-18.