
In my research program, I apply economic theory and applied econometric tools to understand issues in agricultural markets and impact evaluation of programs and interventions in developed and developing countries. I regularly collaborate with international organizations such as the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, World Bank, and the World Food Programme. 

My research focuses on market structures, market power, and supply chains in agriculture, and in developing tools for impact evaluations of programs and policies with a particular focus on local-economy general equilibrium impacts. I am also interested in integrating  general equilibrium impacts of interventions within agricultural supply chains to provide economic insights and estimations of the direct and indirect benefits of policy interventions. 

Secondary research topics include conflicts- and climate-change- induced population displacement such as internal migration, refugee economics, etc. and understanding livelihood diversification and coping strategies for vulnerable households in the face of climate change. I use rigorous experimental and quasi-experimental econometric approaches paired with structural methods and cost-benefit analyses in my program to evaluate and inform policy decisions.

Congolese refugee kids in Nyabiheke Refugee Camp, Rwanda (2015)

Peer-reviewed Publications

Working Papers

Work in Progress