Field Work


India: 2 months in the Sundarbans Region, West Bengal, India


Kenya: 1 month in Tharaka-Nithi, Kakamega, Kajiado, and Kilifi counties 

In collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), I supervised and led a team of enumerators to collect household, school and traders data in four counties of Kenya for an ongoing project to understand the impact of Kenya's Home Grown School Meals Programme on local economies.


Tanzania: 2 weeks in Lake Zone and Dar-es-Salaam

In collaboration with the Tanzania Gatsby Trust, I interviewed cotton farmers, ginners and cotton board authorities in Western Cotton Growing Area and collected administrative level data on cotton production, catchment areas of ginners and costs of production of cotton lint by gins.

Uganda: 2 months in Adjumani and Rwamwanja refugee settlements

Collaborating with the WFP, I designed a survey questionnaire to evaluate the local economy impacts of cash and food aid given to refugees in Adjumani and Rwamwanja settlements in Uganda. I trained and led a team of enumerators on tablets to interview over 1000 refugee and host community households. The field work included working together with Prime Minister's Office, several UN agencies and local authorities.


Rwanda: 1 month in Nyabiheke, Gihembe and Kigeme refugee camps

Another WFP collaborated project that involved data collection on over 500 refugee and host community households in three refugee camps in Rwanda. My involvement included designing the questionnaires, communications with local government authorities, UN agencies, designing sampling strategies and supervising the enumerators.


India: 3 months in Burdwan, Hugli, Murshidabad, Nadia and N 24 Paraganas districts in West Bengal

In a 3ie funded research project in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute and the Delhi School of Economics, I trained and supervised enumerators to conduct over 800 farming household interviews in 5 districts of West Bengal. The project evaluated the impacts of metering of tubewells for groundwater extraction used in summer (Boro) paddy cultivation.