Anti-Racism Every Day

A self-paced, week-by-week guide for BIPOC folks to engage in a series of learnings, practices, and reflections that are designed to heal and empower communities of color. It grounds readers to connect, acknowledge, and celebrate history, reprogram internalized patterns of thinking under white supremacy culture by means of somatic tools, and use an intersectional lens as an activist.

A free week-by-week guide to help young people (ages 11-16) map out their own path to anti-racism. Each week provides information from important scholars and activists of this movement along with some activities for reflection. The workbook will help young people begin to unlearn White supremacy, reeducate themselves as co-consipirators, and develop a lifelong practice of anti-racism.

Check out the White Folks Workbook

A self-paced, week-by-week guide of resources, activities, and reflections for White folks trying to do the work of anti-racism. The workbook will create a learning trajectory for beginning the continual work of unlearning White supremacy, reeducating oneself as a co-consipirator, and developing a lifelong practice of anti-racism.

A guidebook of resources and lessons for White folks looking to dismantle White Supremacy right at the dinner table. The guide includes guidance on why these conversations are challenging, how to prepare for them, and ways to keep the conversation productive.