ACWC 2001 (Not by IAF)

The only World Cup which was played in person until now. Hosted in Utrecht, NL by Johan Bosman, Fabrice Liardet, Lenny Taelman and Vincent van der Bilt from 26th to 29th July 2001. It was won by Tim Remmel (noodrem) from the Netherlands, with Fabrice Liardet (nabla) from Switzerland in second place. The format was a 7 round swiss, in which nabla and noodrem finished with 6 points each on the top. There was a Tiebreaker for the first place which Remmel won. It was sponsored by the Utrecht Chess Cafe 'Ledig Erf', but noone outside europe had participated. For more info, visit: the blog by John Beasley on Antichess and a blog by Fabrice Liardet (in french, but if you use chrome browser, there is an option of translating the page). Fabrice Liardet has also annotated a game from the world championship between Liardet and Sandstorm. See it here. All Games in PGN format are also there, but if you don't understand the PGN, the Games are also there as a lichess study. Below are the final standings:

The game Andrzej Nagorko (White) - Tim Remmel (Black), round 5, board 1. Behind Vincent Van der Bilt at board 2.

John Beasley (White) - Jochem Snuverink (Black), behind them Peter Wood (White) - Jaap Kamminga (Black)

The sixth round: At the first board Tim Remmel (White) - Johan Bosman (Black), at the second Fredrik Sandström (White), at the third Peter Wood (White) - Andrzey Nagorko (Black)

Lenny Taelman ( White) - Jaap Kamminga (Black), behind them Marten Wortel (White) - Johan Snuverink (Black)