ACWC 2021 (1+2)

ACWC 1+2 2021

Arena Tournament of 2 hours for People Under 2000 rating. Held on 28th November 2020, at 16:00 UTC.
Qualified for Stage 2: Andrii Kostikov, marc47, falana, Sarang Sule, UglySwede.

Another Arena Tournament of 2 hours (Date and Time: 19th December 2020, 18:05 UTC), for the 5 qualified from stage 1 + all above 2000. Won by Richard Van Es, with nomoreanti and Florentin Olteanu in second and 3rd places. Originally, the Top 30 would have Qualified, but later, it was changed to all who participated here. There was some debate on the usefulness of stage 2, so it was decided that the Top 30 at stage 2 would receive an Internship for the Antichess 960 World Cup 2021.

Started on 1st January 2021, and it is still going on.

  1. Stage 4 will consist of two groups of 6 in which the first 2 will qualify further in stage 5

  2. Stage 5 will play 1/2 and 2/1

  3. Stage 6 will be the 2 finals.

The first 4 classified at this World Championship will go to the Super Cup in the spring of 2021.