About Me

Mrs. Annelle Stevenson

Innovation Tech High School

Room 209

Best way to contact me is text. You can text me through the Remind App.

About Me

My Expectations

Class Constitutions

Every class will create, agree on, and sign our Class Constitution. Our Class Constitutions encourage positive behaviors and set up consequences, if needed. Every person who visits our class is asked to sign our Class Constitution.

No Phones

All phone must be put away! If they are out, they will be put in Phone Jail and you can retrieve your phone at the end of class.

The first three times I catch you with your phone = Phone Jail for the remainder of the class. 4th - 5th times your phone will be in Phone Jail for the remainder of the school day. 6th+ Your phone will be in Phone Jail and it will be your PARENTS that post bail!

My Life Mission Statement

  • My goal is to be strong that nothing disturbs my peace of mind.

  • I try to make each person I come in contact with feel that there is something in them to be envied.

  • I look at the bright side of every event and make optimism become reality.

  • I think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.

  • I am just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own success.

  • I learn from the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements in the future.

  • I promise to wear a cheerful expression and give everyone I meet a genuine smile.

  • I am too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear - and too happy to allow the presence of troubles.

  • I will think well of myself and I let the world know this is how I feel, not with words, but with what I actually do.

  • I am true to the best that is in me.

  • And I will shine my little light of hope in every dark corner - after all it only takes a spark to get a fire going, so all those around can warm up it it's glowing!