
My research analyzes education policy and practive using comparative, institutional, and organizational approaches. I am particularly interested in how the higher education sector has responded to processes of globalization, internationalization, and Europeanization.


Graf, L./Lohse, A.P. (2022). Analyzing Vocational Education and Training Systems through the Lens of Political Science. In: Grollmann, P./Frommberger, D./Deißinger, T./Lauterbach, U./Pilz, M./Schröder, T./Spöttl, G. (Eds.) Vergleichende Berufsbildungsforschung – Ergebnisse und Perspektivenaus Theorie und Empirie. Jubiläumsausgabe des Internationalen Handbuchs der Berufsbildung (IHBB). Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, 123-141.

Graf, L./Lohse, A.P. (2021). Institutional conditions for cross-border policy transfer and cooperation: Analysing differences between higher education and vocational training. Research in Comparative and International Education 16(4), 361-383. Best Paper Award at the VET Congress 2022.

For a 5-minute summary of the paper, watch the video below:

Graf, L./Lohse, A.P. (2021). Advanced skill formation between vocationalization and academization. The governance of professional schools and dual study programmes in Germany. In: Bürgi, R./Gonon, P. (Eds.) Governance revisited. Challenges and opportunities for Vocational Education and Training (VET). Zurich: Peter Lang, 215-242. 

Epping, E./Lohse, A.P./Graf, L./García Miramón, F. (2020). Conferences and international collaboration revisited in times of the Coronavirus. Experiences from a digital transition and lessons for the future. Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER). 


Lohse, A.P. Higher Education Internationalization in an Age of Disruption: A comparative study of student mobility policies in France, England, and Germany. Dissertation awarded 'summa cum laude' in September 2023. Supervised by Lukas Graf (Hertie School), Justin J. W. Powell (University of Luxembourg), and Jens Jungblut (University of Oslo).

On the DAAD Wissenschaft Weltoffen Blog (international education research blog by the German Academic Exchange Service), you can read an interview about my dissertation in German.