
Europe Day 2023: The European Universities Initiative

On the occasion of Europe Day 2023, all Berlin universities involved in a European University alliance gathered at the Berlin representation of the EU Commission to discuss the higher education sector's role in the European project. I shared insights from my doctoral dissertation on how the European Universities emerged from a moment of Brextin-induced crisis and how they stabilized the European HE sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hertie Education Network: School visit

Together with the Hertie Foundation, I initiated the Hertie Education Network. This network brings together educators, policymakers, and researchers around current challenges in education policy. In February 2023, I co-organized a visit to Louise-Schroeder-Schule in Berlin. During this visit, Hertie students and alumni explored the implementation of education policy together with the school leadership. Read a full report here

Hertie Education Network: Panel discussion

For the inaugural event of the Hertie Education Network at the Hertie Summit 2022, I moderated a panel discussion that brought together stakeholders from politics, practice, consulting and the EdTech sector.

CIVICA Conference 2021

The Hertie School is part of the CIVICA alliance including Bocconi University, Central European University, the European University Institute, the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (Romania), Sciences Po, the Stockholm School of Economics, and the London School of Economics and Political Science. In June 2021, the alliance held a conference on Digitalisation and the Future of Higher Education. I was invited to share some insights based on my experience as a higher education researcher and as a Hertie PhD candidate.

Digitalisation of higher education internationalisation

As a member of the 'Alternative Internationalisms' Working Group at the Centre for Higher Education Futures at Aarhus University, I regularly partake in PhD workshops and colloquia. At the 2021 workshop 'European Universities in a Shifting Global Context', I presented on the intersection of digitalisation and internationalisation in higher education.

Earth Day Campaign 2021

For the Goethe Institut USA's 2021 Earth Day campaign, I produced a German language lesson unit on sustainable living in Berlin. Tartgeted towards high school students, the video provides insights into contemporary German urban living and politics using everyday vocabulary. 


NYU International Student Center

As a student coordinator at NYU's International Student Center, I co-organized workshops and events targeted towards NYU's international student population. During the 2018 International Student Leadership Retreat, I facilitated intercultural learning activities.

IIE Summit 2019

In 2019, the Insitute of International Education (IIE) celebrated its 100-year anniversary with the IIE Summit, bringing together 600 international education practitioners and scholars in New York City. I attended the conference as one of ten Summit Voices, promising young professionals and students in the domain of international education.

German for Hire

During my MA studies at NYU, I visited German students in NYC, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania as a student ambassador for the Goethe Institut's German for Hire program. I held lessons on German school culture and German holidays. Here, I am visiting German students at Parkland High School in Allentown, PA. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, I've been conducting virtual school visits using videos I've shot throughout Berlin.

Europa macht Schule (Europe meets School)

From 2013-2016, I was treasurer and subsequently team lead of Munich's Europa macht Schule (Europe meets School) chapter. The DAAD-funded program allows Erasmus students and local primary and secondary students to get together for intercultural learning. I recruited and matched schools and Erasmus students, and supported the planning of the various projects. For Europa macht Schule's 15th anniversary, I shared some of my experiences.


Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD)

The German Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) promotes teaching assistantships abroad. From September 2012 until March 2013, I was a teaching assistant in France where I held German lessons at a high school (Lycée Uruguay France) and a middle school (Collège de la Vallée) in Avon. My middle schoolers greatly enjoyed learning new vocabulary through German songs. Since flashmobs were all the rage in 2013, we organized a flashmob performance of the German smash hit "Das Fliegerlied" on the school yard.