Student resources

Swarthmore math/stats courses and prerequisites

If you have questions about any of these, please feel free to send me an email or stop by my office!

A short video by Courtney Gibbons, a math professor at Hamilton College. One-line summary: "Being good at math is being good at being stuck"

"This webinar series, aimed at undergraduate students, brings together a star-studded lineup of speakers and panelists who uncover existing mathematical norms and provide concrete advice on how to navigate them for academic and professional success. "

"As young mathematicians ourselves, we think a lot about the career-building opportunities we missed out on because we weren’t “in the know.” This is often because we didn’t come from families with ties to academia, didn’t attend the schools that those opportunities are promoted at, don't fit the mold of a "typical" mathematician in the eyes of those who should be looking out for us, or just slipped through the cracks of the educational pipeline in another way. Our goal is to share those resources with other undergrads so that more of us will know about and have access to the kind of career-building opportunities that were valuable to us or that we wish we’d known about sooner."

Websites featuring modern mathematicians

"A website highlighting the works of Indigenous Mathematicians including Native American Mathematicians and Pacific Islander Mathematicians, Native Hawaiian Mathematicians, and Chamorro Mathematicians", originally founded by Kyle Dahlin, Rebecca Garcia, Ashlee Kalauli, Marissa Loving, and Kamuela Yong. 

"An accessible platform that features the multifaceted and diverse nature of the Latinx and Hispanic mathematics community and inspire the younger generation of Latinx mathematicians", with a current leadership team of Dr. Pamela E. Harris, Dr. Alicia Prieto-Langarica, and Dr. Luis Sordo Vieira. 

Edited by Allison K. Henrich, Emille D. Lawrence, Matthew A. Pons, and David G. Taylor. 

“If you are a mathematics student reading this book, my hope for you is that you find yourself somewhere in these pages and you are inspired to persist. If you are a mathematics teacher, I hope you find in these pages the inspiration to relieve the pressure of demoralizing struggle from a student.” —Stephen Kennedy, Carleton College

Run by Erica Graham, Raegan Higgins, Shelby Wilson, and Candice Price, this website "highlight(s) the contributions and lives of Black mathematicians."

"The mission of Meet a Mathematician is to share stories of mathematicians from different backgrounds, especially from historically excluded groups, with the aim of introducing students to role models and fostering a sense of community.

A podcast dedicated to sharing our guests' favorite mathematical results. Hosted by Kevin Knudson and Evelyn Lamb. 

Quanta Magazine features stories about current research in math, physics, biology, and computer science, many of which are pretty high level and intense! These are some recent ones I enjoyed

"The website for LGBTQ+ mathematicians and their allies. This arose from a need for recognition and community for Gender and Sexual Minority mathematicians, and we hope that this will be a resource for our community."

Inscribed Rectangles 2022.pdf
Knot theory at several levels
Algebra and Topology in Dimension Four.pdf
Teaching ethics and/or social justice in mathematics