Letters of recommendation

Good letters of recommendation take time, thought, and information gathering--a letter that says nothing more specific than "Student XYZ got an A in my class" will do an application more harm than good.  If you're thinking about asking me to write a letter for you, please have a conversation with me about it at least a month before your first deadline. 

Once I've said yes, I will ask for the following from you, either in a single email or in a google drive folder that you share with me at least two weeks before your first deadline. 

Finally, please don't feel bad about reminding me when due dates are approaching. I usually submit letters significantly before the deadline, but usually is not always, and I don't want your letter to be the exception that goes missing! I will be grateful for your reminder at the 1-week and the 2-day mark.

Credit: Thanks to Catherine Hsu for the language in item 4, and Keith Conrad's website for other components.