Received the Institute Award for Research Excellence-2024: "Young Researcher Award (Engineering) 2024"
During International Student Orientation Program at IIT Jodhpur
During invited talk in the 6th International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2024) held from November 17th to 20th, 2024, at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
Delivered a talk on current research activities at IIT Jodhpur @UTT France.
Interacted with PG students at UTT France
Meeting with UTT international team on specific agreement of cooperation with IIT Jodhpur
Meeting with Professors (UTT Team and ILM, Lyon France) for possible Indo-French proposal submission.
Group photo during the 2nd BRICS Young Scientist Conclave held at Zhejiang University, China, in 2017.
Group photo with Indian delegates at the 2nd BRICS Young Scientist Conclave, in 2017.
Receiving the "ISEES Young Scientist Award 2017".
Delivered an invited talk at Zhejiang University during the BRICS Young Scientist Conclave, July 2017.
Received "IEI Young Engineer Award". Delivered an invited talk at the award ceremony 2019-20.
Delivered an invited talk at the Tata auditorium, IISc Bengaluru, during INCOSURF 2018.
Group photo during the CMEMS conference held at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark, in 2022.
Delivered an invited talk during the CMEMS conference held at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark, in 2022.
During the lab work at IMT, KIT Germany
Delivered an invited talk at University of Technology of Troyes, France in 2022.
Lab visit at UTT, France in 2022.
Served as Chairman, Entrepreneurship Summit held in 2019.
Delivering an introductional remark during the inaugural ceremony of E-Summit 2017. Served as Co-chairman of the event.
Facilitating the winners of the competition "Bachpan ka Rang manch" held at social-culture event "Alma Fiesta" where I served as co-chairman in the year 2018.
Visited Golden gate bridge at San Francisco, California USA after attending the MRS conference in 2014.
With Dr Dario (KIT Germany), Prof. C. S. Sharma (IIT Hyderabad) and Prof. Bidhan (IIT Goa) during excursion program at Sweden.
With Prof. Stephan Sylvest Keller, Head of Biomaterial Microsystems Group, DTU Nanolab, who was Organizaing cordinator CMEMS, held at Denmark 2022.
Delivered an invited talk at Northcap University in 2016.
Group photo @Asia Academic Seminar held at IIT Bombay, 2011.
@Institute of Microstructure Technology, KIT Germany in the year 2022.
Other Activities
1. Chairman, E-SUMMIT 2019, IIT Bhubaneswar
2. Vice Chairman, Alma Fiesta, IIT Bhubaneswar in 2018 and 2019
3. Vice Chairman, E-Summit, IIT Bhubaneswar in 2017
4. Faculty Advisor, Social-Cultural Activities, IIT Bhubaneswar from 2017-19.