Anina Gruica
About me
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Algebra group at the Technical University of Denmark. My research interests are in coding theory, with a focus on density questions, the combinatorial structure of error-correcting codes, and codes for data storage. This is my CV.
Journal papers
"Common Complements of Linear Subspaces and the Sparseness of MRD Codes" (with A. Ravagnani)
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 6 (2022), no. 2, 79–110, arXiv:2011.02993
"Convolutional codes over finite chain rings, MDP codes and their characterization" (with G. N. Alfarano, J. Lieb and J. Rosenthal)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2023, 17(1): 1-22, arXiv:2104.09486
"Rank-Metric Codes, Semifields, and the Average Critical Problem" (with A. Ravagnani, J. Sheekey and F. Zullo)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 37 (2), 1079-1117, arxiv:2201.07193
"Densities of Codes of Various Linearity Degrees in Translation-Invariant Metric Spaces" (with A.-L. Horlemann, A. Ravagnani and N. Willenborg)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2023): 1-29, arXiv:2208.10573
"Rook Theory of the Etzion-Silberstein Conjecture" (with A. Ravagnani)
Algebraic Combinatorics 7.2 (2024): 555-576, arXiv:2209.05114
"Generalised Evasive Subspaces" (with A. Ravagnani, J. Sheekey and F. Zullo)
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, to appear, arXiv:2207.01027
Conference papers
"The Typical Non-Linear Code over Large Alphabets" (with A. Ravagnani)
2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), pp. 1-6, arXiv:2105.04378
"Duality and LP Bounds for Codes with Locality" (with B. Jany and A. Ravagnani)
2023 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), pp. 347-352, arXiv:2212.07805
"The Proportion of (Non-) Linear MRD Codes" (with A. Ravagnani)
extended abstract (refereed) at WCC 2022, University of Rostock, Germany, 2022
"Achieving DNA Labeling Capacity with Minimum Labels through Extremal de Bruijn Subgraphs" (with C. Hofmeister, D. Hanania, R. Bitar and E. Yaakobi)
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 675-680, arXiv:2401.15733
"Reducing Coverage Depth in DNA Storage: A Combinatorial Perspective on Random Access Efficiency" (with D. Bar-Lev, A. Ravagnani and E. Yaakobi)
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 452-457, arXiv:2401.15722
"Rank-metric codes and their parameters" (with A. Ravagnani and A. B. Kılıç)
submitted (book chapter, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics), 2022
"LRCs: Duality, LP Bounds, and Field Size" (with B. Jany and A. Ravagnani)
submitted, arXiv:2309.03676
"The Diagonals of a Ferrers Diagram" (with G. Cotardo and A. Ravagnani)
submitted, arXiv:2312.02508
"A Combinatorial Perspective on Random Access Efficiency for DNA Storage" (with D. Bar-Lev, A. Ravagnani and E. Yaakobi)
submitted, arXiv:2401.15722
"The Geometry of Codes for Random Access in DNA Storage" (with M. Montanucci and F. Zullo)
submitted, arXiv:2411.08924
"Reed-Solomon Codes Against Insertions and Deletions: Full-Length and Rate-1/2 Codes" (with P. Beelen, R. Con, M. Montanucci and E. Yaakobi)
submitted, arXiv:2501.11371
"Making it to First: The Random Access Problem in DNA Storage" (with A. Boruchovsky, O. Elishco, R. Gabrys, I. Tamo and E. Yaakobi)
submitted, arXiv:2501.12274
Talks (invited talks are marked with an asterisk)
"Codes for Random Access Efficiency in DNA Storage", Joint Mathematics Meeting 2025, Seattle, USA, January, 2025*
"Random Access Coverage Depth Problem", Dagstuhl Seminar on Coding Theory and Algorithms for Emerging Technologies in Synthetic Biology, Dagstuhl, Germany, December, 2024
"Codes for Random Access Efficiency in DNA Storage", IIT Bombay - Virginia Tech Joint Workshop on Algebraic Coding Theory, Mumbai, India, August, 2024*
"A Combinatorial Perspective on Random Access Efficiency for DNA Storage", International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2024, Athens, Greece, July, 2024
"Diagonals of Ferrers Diagrams", International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Coding Theory and Combinatorics (in honour of Sudhir Ghorpade's 60. Birthday), Hyderabad, India, December, 2023*
"Duality and LP Bounds for Codes with Locality", SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (AG23), July, 2023*
"Duality and LP Bounds for Codes with Locality", Information Theory Workshop (ITW23), April, 2023
"The Density of Maximum-Rank-Distance Codes", KWG PhD prize talk at the Nederlands Mathematisch Congres, April, 2023*
"Rook Theory of the Etzion-Silberstein Conjecture", Algebra Seminar at Virginia Tech, February, 2023*
"The Etzion-Silberstein Conjecture over Large Fields", Contemporary algebraic and geometric techniques in coding theory and cryptography Summer school of Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", July, 2022
"MRD Codes and the Average Critical Problem", 24th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS 2022), June, 2022*
"The Proportion of (Non-)Linear MRD Codes", WCC 2022: The Twelfth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, March, 2022
"On Rank-Metric Codes and Semifields", Dutch-Belgian Combinatorics Colloquium at Eindhoven University of Technology, February, 2022*
"The Typical Non-Linear Code over Large Alphabets", Information Theory Workshop (ITW21), October, 2021
"Common Complements of Linear Subspaces and the Sparseness of MRD Codes", SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (AG21), August, 2021*
"Codes with good distance properties from a density perspective", Algebraic Coding Theory e-Summer School (ACT21), June, 2021
"What does the typical code over a large alphabet look like?", UGent-VUB eSeminar on Finite Geometry and related topics, May, 2021*
"The Sparseness of MRD Codes", Galois Geometries and their applications: young seminars, May, 2021*
"Isolated Vertices in Bipartite Graphs and the Density of Rank-Metric Codes", Discrete Math Seminar at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, February, 2021*
"Common Complements of Linear Subspaces and the Sparseness of MRD Codes", Baby-Seminar at Eindhoven University of Technology, November, 2020
"MDP Convolutional Codes over Z_{p^r}", Swiss eSeminar, April, 2020
Travel award for the conference ALCOCRYPT in Marseille, France, February 2023.
DIAMANT PhD travel grant [approx. 2000 EUR], January 2023.
DIAMANT visitor grant [approx. 1900 EUR], jointly with A. Ravagnani, October 2021.
SIAM Travel Award, from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, in connection with the conference SIAM AG21 (virtual), August 2021.