Postgraduate International Coding theory Seminar
PICS is an online seminar series designed for junior researchers who work in the area of coding theory. The aim of the seminar is to give an opportunity to PhD students and early-stage postdocs to present their work and to interact with the other participants.
NEXT SEMINAR - December 3, 2024 - 4:00pm (CET)
Yağmur Çakıroğlu
Hacettepe University, Ankara
Geometric view of Weighted Projective Reed-Muller Codes
In the literature, weighted projective spaces are recognized as suitable environments for constructing interesting classes of linear codes over finite fields. These codes, also known as Weighted Projective Reed–Muller codes (briefly WPRM codes) were introduced by Sørensen in 1992. The purpose of this talk is to introduce WPRM Codes, to give results for the main parameters of these codes corresponding to the weighted projective planes P(1, a, b) with weights a ≤ b and also to explain how the geometric perspective is applied when obtaining these parameters related to these spaces. In addition, we describe the regularity set of the Fq-rational points of the weighted projective plane P(1, a, b). The importance of this set stems from the fact that its elements give rise to trivial codes as we explain shortly.
Keywords: Algebraic Geometric Codes, Coding Theory, WPS, Main Parameters.
Kirsten morris
I am a PhD student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln advised by Christine Kelley and Tefjol Pllaha.
For further information or questions about the seminar, please email us at