Postgraduate International Coding theory Seminar

PICS is an online seminar series designed for junior researchers who work in the area of coding theory. The aim of the seminar is to give an opportunity to PhD students and early-stage postdocs to present their work and to interact with the other participants. 

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NEXT SEMINAR - May 29, 2024 - 5:00pm (CET)

Will Mahaney

Virginia Tech

What is...a Multivariate Goppa Code?

The family of linear error-correcting codes known today as Goppa codes was originally introduced by Valery Goppa in 1972 and a decoding algorithm was given by Nicholas Patterson in 1975. Today, binary Goppa codes are the underlying error-correcting code used in the McEliece key encapsulation mechanism submitted in round 4 of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. In 2021 Hiram Lopez and Gretchen Matthews introduced a new family of codes known as Multivariate Goppa codes which generalize Goppa codes. Multivariate Goppa codes are defined by arithmetic in multivariate polynomial rings rather than univariate rings, and this difference leads to behavior which cannot be seen in the classical univariate setting. In this talk I will introduce Multivariate Goppa codes and show that the original definition given by Lopez and Matthews can be slightly generalized while retaining many of the properties held by the original family. Afterwards I will state some future questions about Multivariate Goppa codes.


I am a postdoc at Virginia Tech.

I am a PhD student at Eindhoven University of Technology with Alberto Ravagnani.

I am a postdoc at Eindhoven University of Technology.

I am a PhD student at Virginia Tech with Gretchen Matthews.


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