Frequently Asked Questions

Are Andzoa Sesame Drinks Safe To Drink?

These drinks have been in Uganda, Sudan, and South Sudan for many years.  They have never caused them any health issues instead it has positive effects on their lives however the drink is made from sesame so if you are allergic to sesame or nuts it might not be safe for you. 

Why are you very enthusiastic about the drink?

 Many people are becoming aware of the need for healthy foods they, therefore, need more alternatives to choose from especially those who choose to eat only plant-based foods.

Is this drink safe for children?

 Yes, this is a family drink.  In the olden times, the rink is prepared under uncontrolled conditions for that reason children are served a few hours of preparing the drink.  As the drink becomes strong from natural fermentation it is only served to adults.

How long can this drink last for? 

If out of the fridge it can last for 24 hours after fermentation.  In the fridge, it should be safe for a couple of days just like any homemade juice

Who has tasted this drink?

 This drink has been served in communities other than Andzoa's and most of those who tasted it loved it.  The staff from the food lab at the University of West London tried it too.