About Us

Making Innovative, Top-Quality Products With Sesame Seeds To Reclaim Your Natural Being And Nourish Your Gut   

Terenzia MD Morgan

What we do

 We manufacture foods and drinks to drive the economy, we invent to save lives, and we innovate to reintroduce, upgrade, and expand.

We manufacture high-end fermented caffeine-free plant base healthy drinks and cereals/flakes for busy Londoners and city people looking for healthy food options without compromising on quality or quantity.

 Our healthy drink is probiotic high in protein, fat, fibre, phytochemicals, and antioxidants, as well as carbohydrates and micronutrients. Prepared from fermented sesame juice, this is an innovation derived from East, Central, and North Africans who worked as subsistence farmers and consumed the drink during the cultivation period to energize and aid digestion and consumed at festivals for its calming effect and morale booster. It is said to have a "soft stomach effect." London is busy and has very high-stress levels, Andzoa believes Londoners can benefit from this product which is known for reducing indigestion and stress levels.  The product was remanufactured at the University of West London (West London innovation centre).  Addition support was provided by BIG South London.

 Our cereal is made from sesame paste, date powder, tamarind powder and spelt flour giving consumers an added value from the combined food values these products have. The products are made from sesame pastes, which are among the best foods for fighting fatigue and hunger; those who consume them will reap the benefits.

These 4 powerhouse foods have the combined benefit of:


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