Over the past 6 months in my internship role with Spellman Performance as well as my studies/curriculum from the National Strength & Conditioning Association's CSCS I came to a realization or epiphany. As Coaches we are always looking for a way to get a head up over our competition. For many this means putting in more hours or crafting a better game plan. For me I see utilizing data as the ultimate advantage that is being overlooked by many coaches today. Data & analytics in sport is far from a new concept, but still many programs lack the use of it whatsoever. My current boss/intern host Les Spellman (pictured above) found a way to successfully incorporate data into his speed performance program for the overall improvement/well being of his athletes. Through data monitorization, Les and his team can schedule in/predict when an athlete may be experiencing fatigue. As well as find deficiencies or areas to work on through data interpretation. Les now has hundreds of clients from 1st round NFL draft picks, to middle schoolers. What has set him apart from his competition is clearly his commitment to combining his biomechanical knowledge with data analysis. Not everyone has access to the tools Les does, but if he started as a broke 25 year old living out of his car, why can't I incorporate similar ideas/processes to my coaching program. If we as coaches can protect our athletes as well as make them better at their job through data, WE NEED TO BE DOING IT! Coaching and sport is a result based industry, and in an adapt or die environment those that adapt will continue to be successful.