Coaching Philosophy

My coaching philosophy is centered around a few key concepts; development of humans, putting my athletes in a position to succeed, and most critically creating/valuing competition. I want to develop a positive competitive culture where athletes go through periods of growth while learning life lessons that can be translated into various different avenues of life.

My obsession with the concept of competition stems from both my personal deep burning passion for success as well as my admiration for Coach Pete Carroll's coaching strategy. I want to develop inherently competitive young humans as I believe this will pay dividends not only on the football field but off it as well.

I formed my philosophy on human development & life lessons through the leadership strategies from my former Junior College Head Coach Kevin Bouwman(1), my former college position coaches John Monte(3) & Danny Salonen(4). And lastly former University of Washington coach Chris Petersen's (2) built for life concepts. All operate under the belief that football is a mechanism for maturity and growth that far outweigh the numbers in the win column.