
Other writings

Credit Rationing and Leverage: Holmström and Tirole meet Adrian and Shin, term-paper for Macroeconomics with Financial Frictions by Tobias Broer and Alexandre Kohlhas academic year 2014-15

The Productivity-Compensation Gap: What Role for Inequality? Evidence from US and Italy, term-paper for Economics of Inequality by Per Krusell and Ingvild Almås academic year 2014-15

Chapter 5 of the book: Moneta complemetare by Amato, Massimo and Luca Fantacci, edizione Bruno Mondadori, 2014, Isbn: 9788867740529.

Prudence vs Liquidity: Alternative Approaches to Money, Finance and Accounting – Bocconi University. Audio transcription. ANC, Autorité des Normes Comptable, April 2013.

Effective Demand in the Short and in the Long Run by Josef Steindl. Translation from English to Italian, Moneta e credito (BNL – Gruppo BNP Paribas), vol. 65 n. 260 (2012), 317-327, September 2012

Blog and newspapers

Perchè l’eurozona continua a ballare. Pagina99 (year 1, N. 52). July 26 - August 1, 2014.

L’altro lato del debito (im)pagabile. Linkiesta.it. April 2013.

I paesi in surplus assecondino gli aggiustamenti macroeconomici. Linkiesta.it, March 2013.

I capitali tornano verso la periferia dell’eurozona. Linkiesta.it, March 2013.

Perché le banche non danno credito alle imprese. Linkiesta.it, December 2012. Altra Finanza

A non-profit organization I worked for and support

A football club I played for (as a kid) and support