MRI Scanning Machines

Different Types Of MRI Scanning Machines

MRI: An Introduction

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is an advanced radiology technique that is used to diagnose medical conditions. The MRI scanner is large equipment that uses radio waves and magnetic fields to produce detailed images of any particular part of the body. The scanning procedure is painless and non-invasive, and the resulting images are far more accurate than that of an x-ray or ultrasound.

MRI machines come in three different types. All these machines are complex and house a large, strong magnet. The magnetic power of the MRI scanners, which is measured in Tesla differs with each model. They also come as Open and Closed MRIs, depending on their structure. The MRI cost in Chennai may vary with each diagnostic centre and also in terms of the type of MRI that the doctor has recommended.

The different types of MRI scanners

1.The Closed MRI

Closed MRIs are the most traditional MRI scanners, having been around since the advent of the very first scanning machine. The machine has a long, tubular capsule-like space inside which the patient lies. Closed MRIs are highly reliable for their accurate images, but it comes with its own limitations. The patient is required to lie very still for the images to be clear. The enclosed space within the scanning tube can be unsettling for claustrophobic patients. Besides, obese patients cannot use the closed MRI because of the limited space in the tube.

2.The Open MRI

A stark opposite to the traditional closed MRI, this MRI scanner is open on all four sides. It almost resembles a large pancake with the machine close to the head of the person. The machine is suitable for patients with size limitations and for those who feel claustrophobic. But the open design is its drawback because it does not provide a magnetic field that is strong enough to take clear images like the closed MRI scanner.

3.The Extremity MRI

This MRI scanner is designed specifically for taking images of the body extremities such as the arms and legs. Unlike the traditional MRI machine, the extremity scanner is much smaller in size. During the procedure, only the arms or legs of the patient go into the capsule-like structure. Hence, there are limitations like that of the closed MRI scanner. Moreover, unlike the traditional scanner that requires the patient to lie still, extremity scanners do not limit the body movements. Extremity scanners are most useful for diagnosing arthritis, fractures, bone tumours, bone infections and nerve-related issues.

4.The 3 Tesla MRI

The 3T MRI scanner is the new kid on the block. The magnetic field strength of the 3T scanner is double times the strength of a traditional MRI. This enables the machine to produce crystal clear images, and it also reduces the scanning time. The 3T is ideal for diagnosing minute details such as signs of a stroke, tumour or brain aneurysm. Doctors prefer the 3T to diagnose musculoskeletal, neurological and vascular issues.

What is the cost of an MRI scan?

MRI scans are expensive procedures. The cost will include the physician’s fee, electricity costs, maintenance and overhead costs. Other factors like location, the reputation of the centre, and the type of MRI scanner used can push the bill further. Irrespective of the cost, it is the accuracy of the diagnosis that really matters. Make sure you opt for the best MRI scan in Chennai to get clear images and accurate results.

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