Anomaly Scan

Role Of Anomaly Scan To Detect Structural Abnormalities

Understanding Anomaly Scan

The ultrasound scan performed during the 20th week of pregnancy is called an anomaly scan. Anomaly is a deviation from the normal. Hence, the purpose of the scan is to identify all abnormalities possible about the growth of the baby and its structural formation. It is a detailed scan that can easily tell if the baby is developing at a normal rate. The main focus is on the heart, brain, spine, face, bowel, stomach, limbs and kidneys. The scan will also identify if there is enough amniotic fluid. The anomaly scan price in Chennai can vary based on the clinic you choose to do the test. Whatever the choice would be, performing the test is important as it can detect physical defects which include a defect in skull formation, spine defect, accumulation of brain fluid, rift of hold in the diaphragm or abdominal wall, malformed or missing kidneys, bones, legs and arms.

Assessment Of An Anomaly Scan

While most of the babies are born healthy, there is a small percentage of risk in developing complications during pregnancy. Even an anomaly scan is not a complete guarantee for a healthy child. Some defects may not show up during the scan. The process is not risky for the child or mother and hence you must do the test so you will know if the baby is fine. The test will help doctors to examine the internal organs and also take the measurement. The structure of the head and shape will help identify if there are any visible brain development defects.

While the cleft lips on the face can be identified easily, the cleft palates inside the mouth will be hard to find and may not be detected by the scan. The length and cross-section of the spine, bone alignment and the skin on the spine will help identify spine defects. The doctors can check for amniotic fluid, umbilical cord and placenta and check if the abdominal wall covers all the organs. The doctors will check if the top and bottom chambers are equal sizes. The valve should open and close as the heartbeats. The amniotic fluid should be present in the stomach. The doctors will check for both the kidneys and if the urine will flow into the bladder. The measurement of head, abdominal and thigh bone will be taken to ascertain the growth.

Limitations Of Anomaly Scan

With an anomaly scan, only the defects can be found and not the reason behind the abnormality. The earliest time of finding a birth defect is 18th to 20th week as it is not legal to abort the pregnancy after that period. But, on the flip side, not all defects are identified. The mother's body type, the position of the body and a scar from a past operation can also deviate the diagnosis ability of the scan. Conditions like bowel obstructions and heart defects can be seen only later in the pregnancy.

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