Anderson Diagnostics is the best diagnostic centre in Chennai for supervised, advanced and accurate diagnostic tests, blood tests, scans, mammograms and more.

About Coronavirus

Concerning The Corona Virus

Coronaviruses (CoV), belonging to several virus families, can cause sickness. They range from the usual cold to more severe illnesses such as SARS (SARS-CoV) or Middle East respiratory diseases (MERS-CoV).

In 2019, researchers found that a new strain of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) had been identified in humans. It had never been seen in animals.

What Causes Coronavirus To Spread?

To protect yourself, wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face and keep away from others who may be ill.

  • Contaminated objects

  • Contact with humans

  • Air Transmission

  • Contaminated objects

Preventive measures are the ones that are taken to prevent an accident from happening.

You can help keep yourself and your neighbors safe from COVID-19 by taking the following basic steps: physical separation, wearing masks, keeping your home well aired, not crowding, washing your hands frequently, using tissue or bent elbows when coughing, and wearing a mask if you see it spreading. You can check with your neighbors and friends in the area where you live or work. Completion of the task can be done by rt pcr test home collection chennai.

Protect Others By Taking Precautions

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an infectious disease, is caused by a new virus that emerged in recent years. This disease can cause respiratory illness (similar to the flu) and symptoms like cough, fever, or breathing problems in severe cases.

  • * Stay at home if you're ill. Cover your nose and mouth. Wear a mask if you're ill.

  • Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched. Keep informed about local COVID-19 status.

  • Your surroundings should be safer.

  • Avoid areas that are cramped, crowded, or involve close contact. These are often called the 3Cs.

COVID-19 can be contracted more easily in areas that are crowded or poorly ventilated. It is because infected people spend long periods nearby. These are the environments where the virus spreads more easily via aerosols or respiratory droplets, so it is more important to take precautions.

You can meet new people on the streets. Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor ones, especially if there is not enough space for outside air.

Avoid indoor and crowded situations if possible. However, if that is impossible, you should take the following measures:

Use natural ventilation inside by opening windows and wearing a mask.

Diseases And Symptoms

Corona Virus Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms may appear up to 14 days after COVID-19 exposure. It is the incubation period that has been documented.

  • For medical assistance and guidance, contact your healthcare practitioner immediately if you experience any Covid-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath.

  • If you feel ill, be aware of all symptoms that are associated with COVID-19. According to the CDC, the most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and fatigue. Other less common symptoms can occur in some patients, including loss of taste and smell, headaches, nausea, red eyes, diarrhea, or skin rash. * Do not leave your home if you are experiencing mild symptoms like a cough or mild fever. If you have trouble breathing or a fever, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Contact your local health authority first by calling and then follow the provided instructions.

  • Keep up-to-date with current events by checking reliable sources like the World Health Organization (WHO) or your local and national health authorities.

Public health units and national and local agencies are best placed to advise individuals on how to protect themselves against harm.

Also Read This: What are the differences between PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, and RT-qPCR?

What are the differences between PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, and RT-qPCR?

The Difference Between RT-PCR, PCR, qPCR, and RT-PCR?

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a molecular biology technique, is extremely easy to use and widespread. In this way, it is possible to amplify RNA and DNA sequences in aqueous solutions. It takes only a few hours for the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) compared with other DNA replication methods. A PCR reaction uses a very little template and is incredibly sensitive in detecting and amplifying specific sequences. The basic PCR technique can now detect a wide range of targets, from DNA to RNA. The following is an overview of the PCR techniques we offer and the reagents to suit your research requirements. Scientists will find it easy to obtain the PCR reagents they need for future experiments.


Conventional PCR requires DNA polymerase, as well as nucleotides, primers as well as a thermocycler. (1) Heat demineralizes DNA (dsDNA), and (2) primers attach to single strands of DNA. (3) DNA polymerase expands primers, resulting in identical replications. Amplification can be described as the process of annealing, denaturing, and elongating material at a variety of temperatures and times. It would help if you chose the ideal primer and template combination for the specific primer and template combination used in the process for rt-pcr test charges in chennai. It is recommended to repeat the cycle approximately 20-40 times. After that, it is possible to check the amplification for accuracy. As a way to produce more DNA from DNA samples for further experiments, Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) is widely used. PCR can also be used to detect harmful DNA and genetic testing.

PCR with Rapid Start

Amplification without specificity is a potential problem during the PCR process. For the majority of DNA polymerases, PCR requires temperatures between 68 and 72 degrees Celsius. That is why extending should take place at these temperatures. Lower temperatures may reduce the enzyme's activity. Primers can bind non-specifically to temperatures below annealing temperatures. It may also result in non-specific amplification when the reaction has been conducted on the ice. It is possible to solve the problems of DNA polymerase dissociation from primers using polymerase inhibitors that are released when a precise temperature is attained.

A real-time PCR

It is possible to create RNA templates using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reactions, or RTPCR. An additional step is required to detect and amplify RNA. The quality and purity of RNA templates used during RT-PCR will determine its success. RT-PCR first prepares DNA/RNA mixtures. It is done by using reverse transcriptase, which converts DNA (cDNA) from RNA. The reverse transcriptase has an RNaseH function that is responsible for destroying the RNA component. In reverse transcriptases, DNA polymerase converts single-stranded DNA molecules into complementary DNA molecules (cDNA). An amplification reaction's efficiency in amplification may be affected.

Quantitative PCR (qPCR), a real-time reverse transcription (RT qPCR), can be used in various applications. RT-qPCR measures RNA transcripts by reversing transcription to cDNA and then performing qPCR on that cDNA. The three steps of denaturation and annealing are repeated in RT-qPCR to amplify DNA in the same manner as conventional PCR. Fluorescent labelling allows data to be collected as the process proceeds. The benefit of using this technique is the variety of chemistries and techniques available.

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Everything You Need To Know About Mammogram In Chennai

Mammogram – A Necessary Procedure

A mammogram test is an x-ray procedure that can create images of the breast. The images are called mammograms and the procedure is called mammography. A well-trained radiologist can perform mammography that will give accurate results. They will also be able to read the mammograms and look for signs that cause breast cancer. You must choose the right place that has all the essentials as well as the affordable cost for mammograms in Chennai.

Various factors affect the mammogram test cost in Chennai including the cost of the premises, equipment tools, skills and other facilities. In the present times, technology advancement has transformed film mammography to digital mammography. This has made it easy to share digital images for reviews. It is easier to analyse a digital image as it can be darkened, lightened or enlarged to get a detailed look.

Know These Before You Get A Mammogram

Screening mammography is performed on women who have no signs or symptoms. Whereas diagnostic mammography is performed when there are already symptoms which need further analysis. Overall, mammography is considered the best tool that can detect signs of breast cancer in women. Detecting breast cancer at an early stage will increase the chance of survival. A diagnostic mammogram can find anything abnormal that will have to be further evaluated. An ultrasound scan and biopsy are required to help diagnose the situation better. The basic procedure is the same for both types of mammogram except that in diagnostic mammograms the views will be more.

Mammograms appear in shades of grey, black and white depending on the tissue density. Dense breast tissue and fatty breast tissue will look different on a mammogram. A result of a mammogram can be negative, a benign finding or an abnormal condition that will require further tests to ascertain if it is breast cancer. Accuracy of mammography is sometimes questionable with false negatives and false-positive results. So, when you are asked for a revaluation, do not panic.

Risks And Benefits Of A Mammogram

Major health organizations agree that mammography lowers the risk of death from breast cancer. All women should have access to regular mammography. The cost incurred for regular screening should be covered by insurance companies. The risk of not doing mammography because of the cost can prove fatal. Most insurance companies cover the cost of mammogram tests and there are medical and government organizations that provide free or low-cost screening.

During a mammogram test, you are exposed to a very low dose of radiation. There is a debate that frequent exposure to such radiation will increase the risk of breast cancer but the possibility is very less. But the benefit of detecting breast cancer at the right time will far outweigh the risk of radiation exposure. When you are 50 and older, it is always best to perform a regular screening.

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